Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm no fan of Gayle King to begin with.

To now see her on CBS's new morning show with Charlie Rose (another imitation interviewer, whose persona in the new format is dismal at best) and the very dumb Erica Hill (who once asked a blind lady's daughter what her mother said the first time she looked into a mirror after her face transplant), just accentuates my opinion of the political leftism of the CBS "newsteam."

Curiosity compelled me to watch her interview with Michelle Obama.

I hoped we would get some valid insights into the rumors flying around about the First Lady's temperment and her excessive spending at taxpayers' expense.

But it turned out to be the sorriest pile of fluff ever perpetrated on the American people.

You can read the interview HERE.

If they ever lose or cancel CSI, NCIS or The Mentalist, CBS is doomed.


Knuckledraggin said...

I'm sorry but Moochele's lame attempt at an explantion simply won't wash. It's an attempt to change the subject. It's a way to say that any criticism of the Obama's - or even any truthful warts-and-all portrayal - is racist and therefore unacceptable. And people will see through it.
There are parallels with Hillary Clinton's claim as the Monica Lewinsky scandal was unfolding that there was a "vast Right-wing conspiracy" to get her husband. Certainly, Bill Clinton had determined antagonists on the Right but the reaction of most ordinary Americans to Hillary's conspiracy claim was: "Yes, but your husband was having sex with an intern."
You can watch the CBS interview with Michelle Obama here. It's worth watching the whole thing because it's a train wreck right from the moment at the outset where the First Lady claims she hasn't read the book (she's on television to rebut things in a book - of course she's read all the relevant excerpts).
She then states she's "never had a cross word" with Rahm Emanuel. The now Mayor of Chicago is one of the most combative men on the planet. If she's never had a cross word with him, she's almost unique in Washington and Chicago.
If anything, Michelle Obama's evocation of a racist conspiracy is even less plausible than Hillery's claim.
I listened on NPR yesterday to an interview with Jodi Kantor about her book. You couldn't imagine a person less likely to initiate a racial attack on Michelle Obama. Almost everything she said was positive and complimentary about the Obamas. She even talked about how unfair the "angry black woman" label was.
Maybe we should replace angry, black, or woman with "Angry Black Bitch" ?

Knuckledraggin said...

I am sorry this woman is an idiot.

Ducky's here said...

Man, this is big news.

Much more productive than a conversation about Bain Kapital.

Has Rush "Talent on Loan from Synthetic Morphine" Limbaugh checked in on this?

How about Bill and Sean.

This is a nation of simpletons.

Knuckledraggin said...

Ducky's here said...
This is a nation of simpletons.. And we are hearing form one right now in your stupid comment.

Anonymous said...

I would be angry if I was married to a partner that:

-Broke every election promise possible
-Failed to close Guantanomo bay
-Failed to end the wars in Iraq and Afganistan
-Continues to wipe out people in drone attacks across the middles East and Africa
-Destoryed the Constitution and bill of rights with the signing of the NDAA on new years eve, which states that American Citizens can be detained indefinetely if they are even suspceted of any terrorist conenctions without any trial judge or jury!!!!!
-Employed the same corrupt wall street scum that have played the biggest part in destroying the world ecomomy
-Conitnually defends Wall street scum saying what the did was immoral and not illegal even though this has been proven in literally thousands of cases to be false
- Has not prosecuted or made any wall street people accountable for there crimes
- Knee deep in corruption claims with Solyndra the Solar company.
- Creating a class war in America throught his pure negligence, and has guranteed the collapse of the US economically after failing to implement all the clauses in the Dod frank 2010 bill.
- Has ramped up possibility of conflict with Iran which could spark WW3 by signing the NDAA which means the US will not deal wit hany bank that deals with Iran.

When are people going to stop apologising for Obama and realise they have been so badly fooled, just because he can deliver a nice speech on a teleprompter!
Look at the above list its crazy!!

Ducky's here said...

That's right Knuckledragger, we're all bozos on this bus.

The national sideshow is on full swing only we're all the geeks.

sue hanes said...

Joe - I haven't clue who Gayle King is - but I don't consider this interview to be a piece of fluff:

because I'm a woman and furthermore the interview showed me what I already knew:

That Michelle Obama is a kind, loving person who loves being First Lady, takes it seriously,
and is looking forward to another 4

She wants to keep the family life
nomral - protecting her girls -
and is hoping to get the message across.

She is gracious.

And as far as the dog p**p part I thought her remark about staying out of the ivy was witty.

But getting back to the topic of whether the interview was a piece of fluff - I say no.

I liked hearing that Michelle Obama is all that I believe her to be and after all next to Barack himself she is the person who is symbolically a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Knuckledraggin said...

sue hanes said...
Joe - I haven't clue who Gayle King is

Why does that NOT surprise me?

Trekkie4Ever said...

Good grief.

I am also not a fan of Gayle King, yeah, like we needed another fruitcake on tv.

Joe, this interview was a bunch of "fluff" and nonsense and I am not buying into it.

Michelle Obama is a spoiled, rich woman who has never cared for this nation, like her husband, and this interview is just a bunch of spittle.

sue hanes said...

Knucklehead - It is my opinion that you are just that.

Or am I offtopic here?

Jarhead said...

sue hanes, I don't think that you have a clue about what the "topic" is.

Frankly I think that "Angry Black Woman" is a perfect description of Moochele Obama. My experience with women with big butts is that they often have big mouths to match.And therein lies the real problem.

sue hanes said...

Jarhead - You say that 'women with big b*tts have big mouths to match.'

And that very well may be true.

But what about women like me:

who do not have a big b*tt but still have a big mouth?

What about that?


Ducky's here said...

Jarhead, do you follow King in Oprah magazine?

Oooo, moy mucho macho.

Jarhead said...

Ducky's here said...
Jarhead, do you follow King in Oprah magazine?

You've got to be kidding!

Xavier Onassis said...

Of course it was a fluff piece!

All of those shows toss softballs to sitting presidents and their wives.

It's almost impossible to get an interview like that and if a network is lucky enough to land one the ratings go through the roof!

What? You seriously think they're going to get a president or his wife to grant an interview by promising to treat them like an accused criminal on the witness stand?

Did you expect Gayle King to morph into Mike Wallace and would send Ms. Obama running off the set in tears?

Are you insane? Or do you just have no idea at all about how television ratings and politics actually work?

Oh, and enough with the teleprompter crap. Every president, senator, representative or "as seen on TV" pitch person for the last half century has used a teleprompter.

Except Sarah Palin who prefers to write important things on her hands with a Sharpie.

Lone Ranger said...
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Lone Ranger said...
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Lone Ranger said...

Having worked in radio and television for 39 years (yikes), I have some idea about how it works.

How it works is that you can ask penetrating questions without being disrespectful. That's why the First Lady's people book her interviews with liberal outlets rather than with Bill O'Reilly.

That's how it works.

There are only two types of liberals -- the deceivers and the deceived. The difficulty is in telling them apart.

Joe said...

KAIFNP: My bet is there are few people with whom she has NOT had a cross word.

Ducky: I post about what interests me. This was certainly not news. It was pure Democratic propoganda.

Anon: She IS an angry woman...just look at her eyes.

Leticia: "...who has never cared for this nation..." by her own admission.

JB: "...women with big butts is that they often have big mouths to match."

I comes down to what part of their anatomy they speak with.

XO: I'm guessing you didn't see any of CBS's interviews with Sarah Palin. Ignorance is bliss. You are blistered.

Gayle King was mesmerized by MO. Much like when BW interviewed Mrs. Bush and ripped her to pieces.


LR: As always, you hit the nail on the (name your own part of the anatomy here).

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

From your previous comment thread:

".....SR: I knew you were a "girl" because I could not understand what you were saying....."

Would that be the fault of the homogametic sender, or the heterogametic receiver?

Then again, we are irrevocably separated by our common language, yes?

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

In the previous comment string I said, January 11, 2012 @ 4:30 PM,

"......Many of you are operating under the misconception, albeit understandably so, that I pixellate my word salads with the intent of maximising the number of you and your ilk who might understand them. This is indeed erroneous. I instead craft and deposit my dross with the express purpose of minimising the number of people who should comprehend it. It is only with the few, the lucky few, the band of Real Conservative brothers (and sisters) that I wish to communicate......"

You responded to all of my comments on January 11, 2012 @ 7:43 PM with,

"......SR: I knew you were a "girl" because I could not understand what you were saying.

I understand mature, intelligent, wonderful women who organize their thoughts in a coherent manner. But you I have to at least wonder about......"

What, exactly, is not mature, not intelligent, not wonderful and not organised about my dross above?
About what, or which, are you wondering?
Surely your working vocabulary, your command of English grammar and syntax and your level of reading comprehension is sufficient to discern the meaning(s) I portend?

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Speaking of non sequiturs that are not only blatantly not causative they are not even correlative, I proffer the following:

James Garfield, the 20th President of the United States of America, devised his own novel proof of the Pythagorean Theorem – something not often done since, well, Pythagoras. He was also fully ambidextrous. It was said that if you asked him a question he could write the answer in Latin with one hand and in Greek with the other – simultaneously!
And they shot him for this!
America’s hatred for learning goes way back.

To wit:

J. Danforth Quayle, the 44th Vice President of the United States of America, is quoted as saying:

"I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people."

The American Education System, over the last 60 years, has gone from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to being forced to teach remedial English in college – and to her sons and daughters for whom English is vernacular!
This is why the 21st Century will belong to us Mongoloids, not you damn Librul Caucasoids – we value learning, even above personal liberty.
Ya gotta admit though, our epicanthic folds are alluring.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

I saw this video showing a cadre of Marines allegedly voiding their respective bladders on the arrayed corpses of sundry Taliban Fighters. (Why ‘fighters’ and not ‘Soldiers’? Nomenclature sure is funny, yes?)
Well penetrate me from behind with an 11th Grade Physics text, does the U. S. Marine Corps not teach its Marines anything useful? Never mind the Geneva Conventions or the Rules of War. Are they not instructed in the Laws of Newton – particularly the second? Are they not tutored in Euclidean tangential vector analysis? Did living the American Experience prior to enlistment not teach these morons anything? Is common sense really that uncommon? For Allah’s sake, these idiots were urinating while facing INTO a brisk breeze!?!?!
Now I do know that the Semper Fidelis folks (Or is that ‘Saepe Fidelis’? I’ve a predilection for mangling my military mottoes – and alliteration.) are taught not to piss on their hands while at the urinal, or where ever, so they won’t have to wash their hands afterwards – like those stupid Army dolts have to, but still, are they that thick? You’d think they would be taught not to piss into the wind either!
Nonetheless, America should still be proud – and a tad relieved. If it was the video of a line of ‘I Suck At Fighting’ bozos, it wouldn’t be urine being spritzed on those thieves of U.S. Government lead, it would be ejaculate and each would be writing their names – as if in a snow-bank – in the handwriting of the bloke next in line.

“From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli.
We will fight our country’s battles
And piss on the dead Hadji.”

Good luck getting that tune and those lyrics out of your head today.

Jarhead said...

SR said:
"“From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli.
We will fight our country’s battles
And piss on the dead Hadji.”

Good luck getting that tune and those lyrics out of your head today"

Look Ms. or Mr. SR, if case you never herd the famous expression, I'll tell it to you!

One Idiot does not a unit make.
Sempre fi.

And the next time YOUR country is in trouble, try calling the Taliban in stead of the US Marines.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Fi! sir!


Only Libruls and traitors would spell the motto of the United States Marine Corps that way! And don't give me any guff about a typo or some such; not proofreading your comments before you publish them is also a filthy and disgusting Librul and traitorous habit

And you forgot the Oo-rah!

And it's 'Miss', not Mr. or Ms.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

And another thing, my friend's country was in trouble once and she called the US Marines and they didn't come.
So she called the Taliban and they did come.
It took them 10 years mind you but they eventually kicked out those godless Soviets!
To be fair, the Taliban were helped a great deal by the incrediblly effective coordination between the CIA and the Osama bin Laden organization.

Jarhead said...

SR said...
And another thing, my friend's country was in trouble once and she called the US Marines and they didn't come.
So she called the Taliban and they did come.

That's great, I hope that they didn't slice off too many of YOUR FRIENDS heads! Or maybe they did, and if they did, well that's just a pity.

Jarhead said...

And by the way, screw YOU and Your friends, and the Taliban, and the Horses they all rode in on.
The longer that I'm out of the service and get to see people like YOU the more i think that the US shouldn't was their time and sacrifice American lives to help and save you pieces of human waste.
Semper Fi

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

They did cut off some heads, actually, but they were only Russian friends of convenience - no loss.

"Screw me and my friends?"
Many of my friends are serving Marines. You want to screw them too?
You really are a filthy America-hating Librul traitor aren't you? You do not deserve to even misspell Semper Fi, let alone use it in its correct form.

Please, do not address me further.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

And another thing, proper US Marine corps grammar and syntax regulations dictate that you should have written:

"....screw you, your friends, the Taliban and the horses in on which they all rode...."

See the difference Librul scum?

Ending a sentence with a preposition, or a verb phrase containing a preposition, is something up with which Sir Winston Churchill, The US Marine Corps and I will not put.

Jarhead said...

And while your at it, screw Sir Winston Churchill and the Rag Heads that you pal around with as well.

sue hanes said...

SR - Some us people would like to say:

you go girl

sue hanes said...

SR - and furthermore would you consider being my chiefess of staff when i am the 1st woman
president of the United States of America?

Anonymous said...

sue hanes said...
SR - Some us people would like to say:
you go girl


Anonymous said...

If you love the Taliban that much, the get the hell out of my Country and Go to Hell.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

I cannot both get out of your country AND got to Hell at the same time - they are not mutually exclusive actions.

Besides, I am not in your country. I know you probably don't believe this but there actually is a whole world outside the borders of the continental United States. And what's more, this wretched third world is also, like the US of A, connected to that British invention - The Internet!

Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee will most definitely go to Hell when he dies.

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Jarheads Blog said:

".....And while your at it, screw Sir Winston Churchill and the Rag Heads that you pal around with as well......"

What you should have written, assuming you were a good Marine, is:

"And while YOU'RE at it, screw Sir Winston Churchill and the RAGHEADS WITH WHOM you pal around as well."

I put in capitals my corrections to your sentence. The Marine Corps teaches you to be honourable and honest. Where is the honour and honesty if you write like a retarded Librul?
I can tutor you in English if you like. Or if you send me all your future posts and all the future comments you wish to place on other people's blogs by email, I'll correct your English and send them back to you. When you post them you'll look less the retarded Librul to everyone on the Internet and more the true Marine you wished you were.
I'm a giving person. I'll do this for free!

Jarhead said...

"And while YOU'RE at it, screw Sir Winston Churchill and the RAGHEADS WITH WHOM you pal around as well."

Sterculian Rhetoric said...

That looks mighty suspicious Jarheads Blog.
Did you get a Real Conservative to write that for you?

Though I must admit, you caused me to grin. Well done!

M. Fibonacci said...

JJP: "I comes down to what part of their anatomy they speak with."

Looking at your photo, Joe, I wouldn't talk about big butts or even talking out of them.