I have often been taken to task for proclaiming that liberals have elected an amateur to "serve" as president.
The following is a list of about 1/8 of the missteps, miscues, misstatements and misdeeds that have solidly landed him in the role of Amateur in Chief.
(Note: Some of the dates are approximate, but you can check the facts, 'cause you're so smart.)
July 2010: Obama quotes the Emma Lazarus poem as “…huddled masses yearning to be free.”
The actual quote is: “Huddled masses yearning to breathe free. (Amateur)
July 6, 2010: Barack Obama told a Racine, Wisconsin audience that they "...should count themselves lucky about unemployment:… So people kind of say, yeah, but unemployment is still at 9.6. Yes, but it’s not 12 or 13, or 15."
Actually, it was 14.2% on that very day. (Amateur)
July 5, 2010: Obama tells a Detroit crowd: “…at least unemployment is not 12% or 15%…”
Yeah…and at least it wasn’t 60% or 70%! We should all feel better. (Amateur)
July 7, 2010: BO: “…Our businesses have always been a force for dynamism. But there is also a role for government in helping us adapt to—and shape—the future. From the Erie Canal to space exploration to what became the Internet, we’
ve always come together to spur transformation.”
In fact, the federal government refused to get involved in building the Erie Canal and left it to the State of New York to handle it on their own. (Amateur)
July 8, 2010: The president finds a new mission for NASA – find points of commonality between USA and Islamic nations, giving the
wrong mission to the wrong agency. (Amateur)
July 8, 2010: He tells a Kansas City crowd: “We’
ve got a long way to go. But what is absolutely clear is we’re moving in the right direction.”
In fact, that day the figures put out by his own administration showed a downturn in employment. (Amateur)
July 7
th At a Foreign Press Conference, President BO, when confronted with the anxiety that some Israelis feel toward him, Obama said that “some of it may just be the fact that my middle name is Hussein, and that creates suspicion.”
One of the most exasperating qualities of Barack Obama is his insistence on casting himself as a victim when people disagree with his policies. He must have forgotten that his staff informed him that Israel and Jordan have a peace agreement approved by then-King Hussein of Jordan.July 14, 2010 (referencing HIV/AIDS research): BO says: “I know the need is great, and that’s why we’
ve increased federal assistance each year that I’
ve been in office…”
He had been in office 18 months. (For those of you educated in government schools, there’s not an “every year” in that…it’s only a year-and-a-half. Besides, he HASN’T increased it THIS year, so it is blatantly false to begin with. (Amateur)
July 15, 2010 (following the president’s remarks about his outrage over
al Qaeda’s multiple acts of terrorism, killing more Muslims than “infidels” have and brainwashing teens to commit suicide in the name of Allah while the leaders hide in caves) an official White House spokesman explains: “
al Qaeda is a racist organization that treats black Africans like cannon fodder and does not value human life.”
Who knew?July 18 or 19, 2010 President Obama and family arrive in Trenton, he and Michelle in Air Force One, the kids and dog in a small jet along with the president’s personal aide Reggie Love.
Can you say “carbon footprint?” (Amateur)
July 20, 2010: BO announces that he will send
NG 1,200 troops to the Mexican border, so if you plan to cross illegally into the US, you need to
get ‘er done before August 1, and don’t bring drugs with you, ‘cause that’s all the troops will be looking for. (Amateur)
July, 2010: President BO declares that he understands the plight of unemployed Americans, because he has “
walked a mile in their shoes.”
Fact: His only period of unemployment came after graduation from Columbia. The lack of employment had little to do with not being able to find a job, but with a personal decision not to seek one.
That may be admirable, but it’s hardly the same as being unemployed from lack of work and resources. (amateur)
July, 2010: “Change
hasn’t come fast enough for too many Americans. I know that,” Obama said in a surprise video appearance to liberal activists and
bloggers at
Las Vegas convention. “I know it
hasn’t come fast for many of you who fought so hard during the election.”
Translation: We’ve failed. But we’re going to keep doing what we’ve been doing and we’ll keep expecting different results.” (amateur)
If that’s not enough, here are some more examples:
Obama expects to be held accountable on jobs, but it’s Bush’s fault.
Obama golfs as
BP’s CEO yachts.
Obama says Gulf disaster will have similar impact to 9/11, then goes golfing the next day.
“We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers so I know whose ass to kick."
“Singularly focused” Obama’s golfing, fundraising, vacation, and sports events.
“Obviously, the loss of Daniel Pearl was one of those moments that captured the world’s imagination because it reminded us of how valuable a free press is.”
Criticizes AZ immigration enforcement for paper checking while Secret Service checks immigration
status of students at Obama event.
“Information becomes a distraction” with X-boxes,
Play Stations,
“I mean, I do think at a certain point you’
ve made enough money.”
President who demands that Americans show health-insurance papers suddenly skittish about residency documents.
Playing golf instead of paying respects to the late Polish president.
“Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower” Gives 17-minute answer to question about being overtaxed.
Believes Tea Party core is
Obama refused to be seen with
“Your employer, it’s estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3000%!”
Obama off by $868 billion on
CBO deficit savings projection of
ObamaCare Obama challenges GOP on tort reform, winds up proving GOP point on reconciliation.
Obama’s “Acme Insurance” anecdote proves he
doesn’t understand insurance.
Obama claims 2 million jobs saved or created, website shows 590K.
Obama gripes about filibusters in a year with none … after having 60 seats in the Senate.
Obama says “corpse-man” for corpsman 3 times at Nat’l Prayer Breakfast Scolding the Supreme
Court over ruling that he got completely wrong during
People are unhappy with Obama’s performance because he
didn’t get enough public face time to explain himself.
Suddenly jobs saved or created “never expected to be the public accounting of Obama’s goal to save or create 3.5 million jobs.”
Obama rushes home for minor injury to family friend, keeps golfing after Eunuch Bomber attack.
These, along with their links, can be found at
Hot Air.
As I said, this is but about 1/8 of the examples I could have sited, but if you are a liberal, you won't really read even these, because, being the product of government schools, you can't read that long at one time.
Nor can you understand how actual facts are related to actual truth.
The fact remains: You have elected an inexperienced, non-professional, inept amateur to be the "leader" of the free world.