Friday, July 3, 2009


This video says so much about the administration of President BO and it so-called "transparancy."

Let's look at what took place.

CBS's Chip Reid takes on White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs in a rare MSM moment of honesty and questioning. For whatever reason, Chip felt like the press conference was phoney because of the pre-selected questions and pre-planned answers. (Play the video and follow the dialog here):

CHIP: "The concept of a Town Hall is to have an open public forum, and this sounds like a very tightly controlled audience and list of questions. Why do it that way..."

GIBBS: "Why don't we do it this way? You can ask me that question tomorrow based on what questions were asked..."

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, it just side-steps.

CHIP: "...why not just open it up to people and allow any question...?"

GIBBS: "Weh...I, I, Chip I think if you get on your computer...your email address...have you sent in your question?"

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, it just side-steps.

CHIP: " I think that would be inappropriate. This is for the public.

GIBBS: "I, Im sorry, I'm confused. Are you not a member of the public?"

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, it just side-steps. It is also evasive, not to mention snide, snotty, arrogant and (if he was sincere - which he obviously was not) STUPID.

CHIP: "Well I think if you were going to allow questions from the press, you'd have us in a prominent position and allow us to ask questions. You haven't done that."

GIBBS: "Let's not get into the notion of where you'd be sitting..."

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, it just side-steps. And Gibbs picks at his nose in obvious derrision at the question, all-the-while grinning that very fake grin of arrogance.

CHIP: "...well out of shouting range."

GIBBS: "Well, but, but, you could email."

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, it just side-steps. It's like Gibbs is pretending that he is really responding to Chip, while, of course, he is doing nothing of the kind. (But Gibbs knows that you and I THINK he is being genuine and answering the questions appropriately, because he thinks you and I are really dumb).

CHIP: "Would you put my question in? I don't think so"

GIBBS (Smirking shrug): "Maybe. Have you emailed"

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, it just side-steps. Besides, Gibbs knows full well that Chip had not emailed his questions. It's sort of like one of my favorite brand new old sayings, "Surely a person as intelligent as you can see that I'm right."

CHIP: "This is a Town Hall. This is an open forum for the public to ask questions. But it's not really open."

GIBBS: "Based on what?" (Like he didn't know what Chippy was talking about.)

CHIP: "Based on the informatin that your staff gave us on how the audience and the questions are being selected."

GIBBS: "The questions are being selected by people that email on Face Book and Twitter."

CHIP: "They're not deciding what questions actually get in."

GIBBS (annoyed): "Well I...I appreciate again... "

CHIP: "This is all tightly controlled...unlike his Town Meetings all through the campaign..."

GIBBS: "I appreciate the pre-selected question on your part."

What kind of response is THAT? It neither addresses the question nor refutes the contention, It just side-steps. It is also more snide, arrogance and irritation.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: "Will there be dessenting views?"

CHIP: "Yes, how about that?"

GIBBS: "I...I think that's a very safe bet. But 'bout we do this? I promise we will interrupt the AP's tradition of asking the first question. I'll let you ask me a question tomorrow as to whether you thought the questions at the Town Hall meeting that the President conducted in Annondale...

HELEN THOMAS (Interrupting): "That is not his (Chip's) point. The point is the control from here. We have never had that in the White House...we have had some control, but I'm amazed at you people who called for openness and transparency and you have CONTROL...

GIBBS (Interrupting the interrupter): "You haven't even heard the questions!"

What has having heard or not having heard the questions got to do with anything being asked?

CHIP: "It doesn't matter. It's the process."

GIBBS (Loud falsetto giggle):

CHIP: "Even if it's a tought question, it's a question from somebody who was invited or who was screened...or the question was screened."

GIBBS: "Uhh...Chip, Chip...Uh let's have this discussion at the conclusion of the Town Hall about that? I think you'll be..."

Translation: Ooo. I've been backed into a corner and I don't want to talk abou this any more. Let's put it off and maybe we'll be able to formulate some kind of fakey response that will placate everybody or at least let them know who's boss here.

HELEN THOMAS: "No, no no. We're having it NOW."

GIBBS: "Well, I'd be happy to have it now."

If that's the case, what on earth was the argument all about? He does not want to have it at all!

THOMAS: "It's a pattern..."

GIBBS: "Who's question did you object to at the Town Hall meeting?"

You idiot! She was not objecting to any particular question! She was objecting to the PROCESS!

GIBBS: "What's the pattern?"

THOMAS: "It's the pattern of controlling the press."

GIBBS: "How SO? Is it any evidence currently going on that I'm controlling the press? Poorly, I might add. Falsetto giggle - falsetto giggle."

Translation: "Oh, look! I've just made a funny and poked fun at myself. This must all be good."

So, the problem is not that he's not controlling the press, the problem is that he's not doing it very well?

THOMAS: "Your horrible engagements are pre-packaged.

GIBBS (feigning innocence): "How So?"

THOMAS: "How so? By calling reporters the night before and telling them they're going to get called on? That is shocking!"

GIBBS: "I...I...we've had this discussion ad nausium and uh..."

THOMAS: 'Of course you would, 'cause you don't have any answers."

GIBBS: "Uh, well, uh, because I didn't know you were going to ask a question, Helen."

I could NOT have heard that right! He surely did not just admit that if he doesn't get the questions ahead of time he doesn't have the time to formulate a rehearsed, party-line, pre-planned answer...did he? Can't these guys just give an honest answer based on their expetise and experience?

GIBBS (Turning to another reporter): "Go ahead."

THOMAS (not letting him off the hook): "Well you should have."

GIBBS (snidely): "Have you emailed your question today?"

THOMAS: "I don't have to email it. I can tell you right now what I want to ask."

GIBBS: "I...I don't doubt that at all, Helen. I don't doubt that at all."

CHIP: "Actually, could you pass along a question to the President from all of us: Is he going to support a tax increase on the middle class?"

GIBBS: "I will...I will uh...if you get on your computer, you can, uh, you can ask him that yourself."

CHIP: "I think you're a more direct pipeline."

GIBBS: "I don't know. I was just told that you guys have a pretty good (turning to another reporter) go ahead..."

And some of you still think that this administration is open, transparent, honest and honorable.



Z said...

"We have never had that in the White House...we have had some control, but I'm amazed at you people who called for openness and transparency and you have CONTROL..."

Gee, Helen, you just NOW noticed the lack of openness and transparency in this WH? Couldn't you TELL this would happen from the campaign?
Remember, Obama told us, when somebody dared asked him about his association with Bill Ayers that "We only live in the same neighborhood" We all know how many connections there are now...but the media didn't care; they loved Obama, let him lie!
Happy Fourth, Joe!

sue said...

Joe - Happy 4th to you and Bonnie. And check out my nice 4th of July tribute to America.