In fact, you know more than the Obama administration knew about him.
In their initial report to the media about the incident, the Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis Blair, wrote: “That Mr. Abdulmutallab boarded Northwest Flight 153 for Detroit was a failure of the counter terrorism system,”
Admiral Blair seemingly did not know that the actual flight was Northwest 253, not 153.
He further said, "The Intelligence Community analysts who were working hard on immediate threats to Americans in Yemen did not understand the fragments of intelligence on what turned out later to be Mr. Abdulmutallab, so they did not push him onto the 'no fly' list."
It turns out that the misspelling of Umar Abdulmutallab’s name kept the intelligence analysts from initially "connecting the dots" on his attack.
But we can consider Blair competent, can't we?
So, how about John Brennan, assistant to the president for counter terrorism and homeland security, when asked, "What was the most shocking, stunning thing that you found out of the review?..." said, "...The fact that they had moved forward to try to execute this attack against the homeland I think demonstrated to us — and this is what the review sort of uncovered — that we had a strategic sense of sort of where they were going, but we didn’t know they had progressed to the point of actually launching individuals here. And we have taken that lesson, and so now we’re full on top of it."
Perhaps someone should explain to Mr. Brennan that his job was to understand the implications of the "dots" BEFORE the attack took place.
Nevertheless, we can consider Brennen competent to do his job, can't we?
Then there's the venerable Janet Napolitano, the third United States Secretary of Homeland Security, who was asked the same question and responded, "...not just the determination of al Qaeda and al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula, but the tactic of using an individual to foment an attack, as opposed to a large conspiracy or a multi-person conspiracy such as we saw in 9/11, that is something that affects intelligence."
She was shocked that al Qaeda would resort to using an individual to format an attack?
Let me ask you, were YOU shocked that al Qaeda would resort to using an individual to format an attack?
Well, if you, an ordinary citizen are not surprised by it, what possible excuse is there for the DIRECTOR OF HOMELAND SECURITY to be surprised by it, for Pete's sake?
Where was she following the 9/11 attacks? Where was she during the Ft. Hood attack?
Where in the universe has her head been all this time?
To quote Charlie Brown, "Good Grief!"
But we can consider Janet Napolitano competent, can't we?
Only if you are totally stupid.
What, Ducky, et. al., you think I'm making this stuff up?Refute this if you can:
The question asked was, "What was the most shocking, stunning thing that you found out of the review? And, Secretary, to you, as well."
MR. BRENNAN: "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is an extension of al Qaeda core coming out of Pakistan. And, in my view, it is one of the most lethal and one of the most concerning of it. The fact that they had moved forward to try to execute this attack against the homeland I think demonstrated to us — and this is what the review sort of uncovered — that we had a strategic sense of sort of where they were going, but we didn’t know they had progressed to the point of actually launching individuals here. And we have taken that lesson, and so now we’re full on top of it."
SECRETARY NAPOLITANO: "I think, following up on that, not just the determination of al Qaeda and al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula, but the tactic of using an individual to foment an attack, as opposed to a large conspiracy or a multi-person conspiracy such as we saw in 9/11, that is something that affects intelligence. It really emphasizes now the renewed importance on how different intelligence is integrated and analyzed, and threat streams are followed through. And, again, it will impact how we continue to review the need to improve airport security around the world."
How long will it be until you liberals out there wake up and realize that you have elected an incompetent man to lead the country and that he has selected incompetent people to carry out his incompetence?
Are you brain numbed?
What is WRONG with you?
With you all the way, Joe.
I think the fact that Obama has not fired Napolitano is clear proof that he will not do what is necessary for our nation's security. She is too clueless and lost for there to be any reason to keep her in such an important position. But the real problem is Obama. The buck will not stop anywhere until he fires Napolitano.
She is surprised at al-Qaeda's determination. So she has been director of DHS all this time and has remained in a pink cloud. And unbelievably her name has been floated as a possible Supreme Court nominee since her incompetence has started growing more apparent.
Most surprising to me is the nonchalant, cavalier attitude of those who are supposed to be charged with preventing terrorist attacks on my country.
They don't appear to be the least bit concerned that they dropped the ball.
And, Chris M, the incompetence is Obama's.
Chris M: The entire administration is a reflection of their leader. He is clueless and incompetent and has selected clueless and incompetent people to help him be more clueless and incompetent.
Mark: I am convinced that they are unable to assess the truth of the danger because they are to unused to dealing with truth on any level.
While the Obama administration is asleep at the wheel, our nation is at monumental risk.
Before the whole healthcare debate came to the forefront, my biggest concern was our safety. I didn't worry about it nearly as much when Dubya was around. I agree, Obama is incompetent and I think several of the people he has appointed were political favors of some sort. They aren't paying off!
PCC: I hope he is having nightmares while he sleeps.
Janie Lynn: They aren't paying off, but they certainly have been paid off.
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