Rush Limbaugh has been castigated, smeared and libeled for his statement that HE hopes the president fails.
You liberal people act as though if he fails, America fails. That is false logic, pig-headed and wrong.
If President BO wanted to sustain America, if President BO wanted to build on the principles on which America was founded, if President BO wanted to be honest with the people about his agenda, if President BO wanted to "...secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity... (from the Constitution's preamble), then I might say, "I may not always agree with him about everything, but hes is OUR president and I will support him."
But that is not the case.
When President BO spoke of "hope and change" during the campaign, Americans thought he meant hope for more freedoms and change from the Bush administration.
That's not what he meant.
His actions have shown that he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY change the VERY FABRIC of America...what she was made of and her promise for the future.
Here are the reasons I WILL NOT support President BO, specifically BECAUSE I AM A PATRIOTIC AMERICAN:
1. President BO and I do not share a vision of how America was designed to function.
2. President BO and I do not share our values systems.
3. President BO and I do not share our personal, social, spiritual, moral or political beliefs.
4. President BO and I do not share our world-view. He is a Marxist and wishes to redistribute the wealth of Americans so that we are more nearly economic equals by mandate of the government. I believe you should have whatever you earn and nothing that you don't.
5. President BO and I do not share our views on taxes. I believe every body's fair share is determined as a percentage of earnings between the 9-12% level of every earned personal and corporate dollar. He believes the government should take what it thinks it needs regardless of the cost to the citizen.
6. President BO and I do not share our views that America has acted arrogantly toward the rest of the world. He believes we have throughout history. I believe we have acted with honor and altruism since 1776 and before.
7. President BO and I do not share our views on whether or not this is a Christian nation. He has said that we do not see ourselves as a Christian nation, I say that we do. He says that we have shared a history with Islam, I say that we have not. He says that we have subscribed to the beliefs of Ghandi (whose first name he thinks is "Mahatma) and that our history is closely tied to him. I believe we emanate from the Judeo/Christian ethic...period.
8. President BO and I do not share our views on reducing the military by any percentage, let alone by 25%.
9. President BO and I do not share our views on immigration. He believes we should grant amnesty to those who have entered the country illegally. He also believes that there is no particular advantage to being a citizen of the United States, because, citizen or not, everyone should have the same benefits of citizenship. I believe we are a nation built on people who have immigrated here through legal means. I believe it is unfair to those who follow the rules of entry to the U.S. to allow others to butt in line.
10. President BO and I do not share our definition of marriage. He believes he has the right to re-define it. I believe we are all better served by maintaining the time proven definition of marriage and the civil and spiritual union of a man with a woman.
11. President BO and I do not share our views of the inherent dangers of or how to handle radical Islamists who believe it is to their advantage to destroy everything America ever has stood for, stands for now or ever will stand for.
12. President BO and I do not share views on the importance (Biblical and political) of supporting the nation of Israel and their right to national sovereignty.
13. President BO and I do not share our spiritual beliefs. His actions and statements indicate that he is a universalist who supports a black liberation theology. I believe Jesus told the truth when he said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me."
14. President BO and I do not share our beliefs about what to do about health care in this country. He wants to federalize it. I think that will be an absolute disaster and will signal the beginning of the downfall of the country.
15. President BO and I do not share our beliefs about how to deal with terrorism around the world or how to deal with despotic regimes such as Iran, North Korea, China and others.
16. President BO and I do not share our view that the economic difficulty we are in was caused by President George W. Bush or that Obama "inherited" the present situation from Bush. Bush did some bad stuff. I was vocal about them. But the mess we're in now belongs to President BO, not to Bush. The buck now stops at BO's desk.
President BO has adopted an agenda that will bring down America.
Why should I support him on that?
President BO hates our history and is ashamed of what we have become.
Why should I support him on that?
President BO believes that the tactics of Chicago thugs, Chicago politicians, militant radicalists such as Bill Ayers, ACORN, radical leftist celebrities and Marxists are appropriate for our country's leadership.
Why should I support him on that?
The answers to the above are that I should not and I will not support President BO, and I surely hope his agenda for America fails, for it will be the agenda that destroys the country that I love as deeply as anything on earth.
WOW Joe! You Covered it. WOW!
You have captured the key issues. Anyone who compares their personal views will have a problem with Obama. Like you, as a conservative Christian, I have a lot of problems.
Thanks, for expressing them so well.
I do not know whether or not President Obama is a Marxist but he is too comfortable with Marxists and has too many of them too near him. I am coming more and more to see him as just another Chicago pol who will do whatever is needed to gain and keep power. Neither his speeches nor his actions evidence much understanding or appreciation of basic American values. He does not appear to cherish the basic rights laid out in the Bill of Rights and does not seem to care much for representative democracy. If these things so many of us hold dear can get him what he wants that is good but if they work against him he will trample them without a second thought. The only thing he seems to value is his own advantage.
"...he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY change the VERY FABRIC of America...what she was made of and her promise for the future."
And is this a surprise?? He TOLD us as much all along, but NOBODY (save Rush, Hannity, et. al,) would tell the American people in a way that was true & convincing. His OPPONENT wouldn't even do it! It took an obscure Plummer to bring it out, but by then it was too late.
As I watched his 'acceptance' speech on the night of the election, with tears running down my face (NOT tears of joy, mind you) & a hole in my heart, I heard his words loud & clear, "We will rebuild this country brick by brick."
I thought, 'Who are you to say that it NEEDS rebuilding?? What's so terrible about it, that people are still losing their lives to GET here?'
And then I thought, 'Heaven, Dear God, please help us. We deserve what we get.'
"I do not know whether or not President Obama is a Marxist but he is too comfortable with Marxists and has too many of them too near him."
Mentors who were Marxists, teachers who were Marxists, old friends who are Marxists, new friends who are Marxists, cabinet members, czars, policy advisors who are Marxists...Chris, I'd say the phrase, "Birds of a feather..." is a pretty safe bet on this one.
ablur: Thanks. I am a very frustrated conservative who has always voted Republican but am so disillusioned with the stinking moderate Republicans and RINOs that I can't stand it.
ChrisM: See Susannah's remarks to decide whether or not President BO is a Marxist. He walks like one, talks like one, acts like one. My best guess is that he is one.
Susannah: A study of the history of every despot who has ever taken over his country reveals two avenues to their "success": one is by coup the other by the path taken by President BO. I am fearful for our future as a nation, and I KNOW we will not be a country that is full of freedom and justice for all. Freedom and justice will be just for the elites who run it.
Joe, You outdid yourself. Outstanding Post....stay well.....
Thanks bro. Joe. You said it way better than I, though I feel the same way!
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