Friday, October 24, 2008


When Sarah Palin was first introduced as John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate, much was made of her Down Syndrome child.

Here is a story that will touch your heart, if you have one.

It is about 18 year old, John Garlock, whose high school student body overwhelmingly elected him to be their Homecoming King.

Go ahead and click on the link and read the story...I'll wait.

Welcome back.

Let me tell you about some of the Down Syndrome people I've known and loved.

To a person, they have been happy, cheerful, fun, full of life, ambitious and very, very loving.

Some have had pretty lofty goals, given their supposed restrictions, but one I know, who started as a floor sweeper at a local McDonalds, is now an assistant to the Manager.

Having a sharp brain for figures, she is able to give him information about the day's receipts without the use of a calculator.

And she still loves to sweep the floors and talk with every customer who will take the time for her.

She is a fixture and customers absolutely love her.

In fact, many people who use the drive-through in other McDonalds, make it a point to come inside of this one to talk to Rosie.

But, according to some, Rosie's parents probably should have given serious consideration of aborting her.

In your heartless, mindless dreams!

She's of more use to society than you will ever be.

I'll betcha John's parents don't wish they had aborted him.


Satyavati devi dasi said...

This comment is neither for nor against abortion as I do not believe it is a simple enough matter to be condensed into a soundbyte.

All I will say is that before I became a nurse I worked for several years in group homes with adults that had developmental disabilities.

Many of them had come from Willowbrook, which if you google you will find it was a horrific institution in New York that was partially responsible for the dismantling of the institution system.

I have suffered some permanent injuries as a result of working with these people and I have also had some great times with them.

It was while working with them that I made the decision to become a nurse.

That's all.

Joe said...

Satyavati: Actually, I am glad you made the decision to become a nurse.

There is no doubt that there are some very serious issues with some kinds of developmental disorders.

The same may be said of some physical disorders.

I'll save my further comments about abortion for a full post before too long.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story. It is a poignant reminder that there is still some good in the world.