President BO (the amateur president) keeps saying he is willing to work with "the other side" and is willing to negotiate with them on their ideas.
The only thing he won't negotiate is the very thing that is at the heart of the "fiscal cliff:" an increase on taxes for the "rich."
In other words, we can work on all of the irrelevant things, but when it comes to what he is really after, it's a no-go.
There is a remedy for the "fiscal cliff," if anybody really wanted to solve it. They won't, though, because solving the economic issues facing our country is not at all important to politicians...none of them.
The solution to the country's economic woes is as simple as it is complex.
If that seems contradictory, that's because the solution is mathematically easy, but politically difficult.
The reason it's politically difficult is that politicians really, really care about the country on an emotional level, but are much more concerned about their personal influence, power and getting re-elected...all of them.
The solution is a flat tax on every earned dollar, be it corporate, individual, interest or whatever, over the "poverty" level.
Do not confuse the flat tax with the so-called "fair tax," which is not fair at all, but is a glorified sales tax which would place a larger burden on poor people than it does on rich people wanting the same goods or services. It would also be as big an accounting nightmare as the present despicable system.
With a flat tax, everybody pays the same fair percentage of their earnings. There would be no more of this "they don't pay their fair share" idiocy.
For the sake of discussion (and keeping the math simple), let's say the poverty level is $20,000.00 per year.
Every earned dollar over that amount would be taxed at say 10% (an arbitrary figure for the sake of this discussion - see the above paragraph). Dollars earned would be the total of individual earnings, the profits made by a company or corporation, interest earned on savings and investments and the like.
There would be no deductions, no exclusions, no "loopholes" and no exceptions.
The filing of tax returns would be made on a simple 4" X 8" card with just a few lines:
1) What was your total individual income. Include personal income from wages, interest earned, tips and all other sources excluding direct gifts. If this is a corporate return list the total income of the corporation. ___________2) If this is a corporate return, list the gross profit of the corporation. ____________
3) Subtract $20,000.00 from your total individual earnings or the corporation's profit. -____________
4) Multiply the remainder by .10. ________________
5) The quotient of #4 is the federal income tax you owe. Make checks payable to the U.S. Treasury.
With a system this simple, fraud and cheating would be minimized, as employers would be required to report the gross income of employees and corporations would be required to provide proof of their corporate earnings.
The major reason something this simple is so difficult to grasp and implement is that politicians actually prefer fraud and corruption over honesty, integrity and character. They enjoy the game of trying to "put one over" on the other guy (or gal).
There are a couple of other things that would be needed to avoid "fiscal cliffs." One of those would be a "one bill, one subject" amendment to the Constitution, which would eliminate unrelated amendments to a bill that favor a particular political district.
The "fiscal cliff" would also be avoided by opening free and easy competition on the world market, coupled with a reasonable tax on goods produced overseas for import to this country.
Another would be an amendment that removes all regulations on individuals and corporations that do not directly involve preventing physical, emotional or fiscal harm to another person or a person's property.
Still another part of the remedy to the "fiscal cliff" is to get the federal government out of involvement with things that do not directly include uniting the country, establishing true justice, keeping domestic peace, providing a strong defense for the nation, promoting (not providing) the well being of the people, and ensuring that liberty is not violated.
The final death of the "fiscal cliff" would be to remove all duplicate federal laws and simply enforce the ones necessarily left in place after implementing the removal of regulations as mentioned above.
I wonder whether President BO would be willing to compromise his Socialistic and class warfare agenda in order to achieve the actual demise of the "fiscal cliff."
I doubt it.