We recently found out something that thousands of years of humanity had never known, yea, never imagined: Health Insurance is a God-given right.
I'm not certain where that right came from, or how we came to know of its
existence, or when it became effective, but it has seemingly been there all along...we just didn't recognize it.
Now we have.
Well wouldn't you know it? We forgot about the other inalienable right we all have.
This forgotten right is literally "for the children."
I mean, without it, they have no chance of getting by. They will find themselves destitute in no time...shortly after I'm gone.
That right is: LIFE INSURANCE (also known as Life Care or
Tens, even hundreds of thousands of people go to bed each night not knowing what will happen to them when their fathers, mothers or grandparents die.
Something must be done!
We need the federal government to step in (although you would think by now that they would be more careful about what they step in).
Government Life Care, or Life Insurance is a must! We all have a right to it.
Tens of thousands of employers are shirking their duty to their employees by not supplying Life Insurance, or by providing such a
minuscule amount that it is virtually useless.
Government Life Care must be mandated!
We must form great groups of people who can meet around the country, especially on Independence Day. We will call them T-Buggers, or Lifers (not to be confused with those serving time for
heinous crimes against society, like former
Congress persons).
Right now, evil
life insurance companies sell policies across state lines. I, myself, although I live in Florida, carry a policy issued to me by Massachusetts Indemnity and Life Insurance Company (
This must be stopped, as it severely increases competition among
life insurance companies and has resulted in lower prices for
life insurance all around the country.
It has even given rise to
life insurance that is good for a given period of time, called Term Insurance...sold by Termites.
We must stop
life insurance companies from refusing to sell
life insurance to people with
pre-existing conditions, such as death.
People afflicted with death have just as much right to
life insurance as anybody else.
And their rates should not go up, just because they are dead.
If a person does not have, or does not want
life insurance, tough tombstones. He or she must be mandated to purchase it.
When hired by another company, a person must be able to carry over his/her
life insurance to the new company.
If a person is poor, rich people in the U.S.A. must chip in to buy his/her
life insurance. It's only fair.
Life Insurance agents must have a cap placed on what they can earn on a
life insurance policy sold through the federal government. Nobody should become rich providing this newly discovered right of the American people.
Student loans should be determined by the amount of
life insurance carried by his/her parent(s).
Call or write your Congressperson today. Better yet, call President BO.
Tell them we need...insist on...
Do it today! Do it for the children!
The life you cover might be your own.
It's only right.