Monday, September 21, 2009


President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks) administration HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, lectures reporter on how to sneeze.

President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks) takes an attitude of "Do as I say do, not as I do-do."


Z said...

Joe, when I saw that "TELLING US HOW TO SNEEZE", I thought "WILL IT EVER END?" What, a new LAW? An amendment to the Constitution?
And then Obama...........yuck.
Well, he didn't do it right!
He doesn't read bills and he doesn't take instruction too well :-)

Mark said...

Obama doesn't have to take instruction from underlings. He is above that, or have you missed the press briefings?

Oh, and everyone is his underling. As he continues to remind us, he's the President.

shoprat said...
