Thursday, September 24, 2009


A really super video has been put together by Paul Williams.

So, if I understand liberals correctly, when a conservative refers to President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks) as "Hitler," it is a terrible, dangerous, fringe-group, right-wing hate-speech thing, but when liberals did it to President Bush, complete with the little mustache and swastikas galore, it was deserved criticism.

When conservatives use rhetoric that seems to threaten President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks), it is hateful and awful, but when liberals did it (and still do it) to President Bush it was OK.

When conservative talk-show hosts ridicule President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks) with caricature it is a terrible thing, but when liberals ridiculed President Bush on SNL and other venues, it was perfectly permissible.

Did I get that right?

Come on, you stupid, hair brained, hypocritical liberals. Explain that to me.

With every passing day you are becoming more and more like lilly-livered, yellow-bellied, sap-suckers who couldn't think your way out of a wet paper sack. You are the epitome of venomed, swag-bellied skainsmates.

How on earth do you DARE to use a word like "hypocrisy" when referring to conservatives' characterizations of President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks) ?

You are its very definition.


Mark said...

Yeah, I can't think of anything to blog about either.

I'm sorry, but Liberal hypocrisy is so evident we don't even have to point it out anymore. Everyone knows full well. Conservatives can't stop it, and the Liberals don't care.

Ducky's here said...
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Ducky's here said...

When conservative talk-show hosts ridicule President BO (President out of respect for the office; BO because his agenda stinks) with caricature it is a terrible thing, but when liberals ridiculed President Bush on SNL and other venues, it was perfectly permissible.

Did I get that right?


No Joe, as usual you aren't even knocking on the door.

Obama has been lampooned on SNL and at any rate political satire has been part of the media landscape for some time, ask Bill Clinton if you want a recent example.

What is relatively knew is the human garbage on rabies radio and punks like Glenn Beck who get off on the Hitler motif and the little Hitler mustaches.
Now as much as The Dauphin was hated on the left we knew enough to stay away from the Hitler meme, it's a cliche and it's just too offensive.

Tapline said...

Joe,The really sad part of what is happening in this country is that what has slowly eaten away at our individual liberties have not been recognized by these idiots. I use the term idiot loosely, They have and continue to buy into a society where all is equal. my God,,,open your eyes people even in communism you have the haves and the have nots. a fact of life Utopia does not and cannot exist. accept it. your rights are disappearing before your eyes by the judicial system we are all so hooked on. Rule of Law does not exist in this country when one can do as one pleases and calls it justice. When an individual cannot opt out of a subject IN SCHOOL that goes against his/her religion and it is upheld by the Courts, This nation has more of a problem then others want to admit....Where in the Constitution does it say God is not to be mentioned, nor religion in Government. Certain books are no longer acceptable for disribution to the students, but lies about government and the like are ok. Textbooks are being rewritten to spread false information on a number of fronts etc...etc....I ramble again.......Sorry,,,,,God Bless

Joe said...

Mark: Actually, I have so many things to blog about I have trouble sorting them out. Sorry you didn't like this one, but I thought the video was an excellent example of how the left whines over the right's treatment of Obama while they did the very same things themselves to Bush.

Indeed, one would think liberal hypocrisy is evident, but they can't see it in themselves. I thought the video was perfect evidence of it and well done.

Ducky: "...we knew enough to stay away from the Hitler meme..."


You did not watch the video.

You DARE to come here an leave a comment on the Hitler thing without realizing that the video documents what liberals did to George W. Bush when he was president, that is: they depicted him as Hitler, said we would be better off if he were dead and everything the video showed.


Your intellect is a disgrace.

You think you are so suave, so sophisticated and so elite as to know so much, yet you do not know enough to understand the content of the post before commenting on it.

You do not even reach the level of first class jerk when you do those kinds of things.

Neither do you watch Glenn Beck or you would know that he does NOT do depictions of Obama as Hitler...although he has shown what OTHERS have done...without condoning it.

Tapline: It's the same old story and it just keeps going and going and going.

Lone Ranger said...

After looking up "skainsmates," I Googled Bush + Hitler and found this excellent compilation. That proves my Facts About Liberals #3. You can always tell what liberals are up to by what they accuse you of doing.

Bryan said...

False face must hide what the false heart doth know. --Shakespeare.

Joe said...

LR: I love your facts about liberals!

Bryan: For the record, all of my wierd sounding insults come from Shakespear...which I assumed you knew.

Z said...

Joe, Ducky doesn't actually even READ our posts...just chimes in. Forgive him. Imagine ANYBODY who thinks anybody in the msm or entertainment's been as hard on Obama as BUSH!?
And people who think this VOTE!

Yes, HYPOCRITE is the word, Joe...and Americans are FINALLY waking up...I really believe that. And Americans are pretty fair as a whole.

Suing the kids who exposed ACORN is going to be good for us; let Americans see. It's ALMOST as good as if the Flying Imams had pursued their case against the good Americans they'd scared to death on that flight. DARNED I was ticked when they withdrew that suit but Islamists are mostly MUSCH more cunning than Americans are, and evil; I'd have LOVED to have Americans see that one on TV.

Ducky's here said...

Try that site. It's pretty good especially the "Obama/Hitler" piece.

These guys are also active in infomercials. Here's one you might enjoy.
"A new birther infomercial running on a CBS affiliate in Texas and elsewhere around the country tells viewers a "got a birth certificate?" bumper sticker can be theirs for the low price of $30.

The 28-minute program -- quite possibly the first ever birthermercial -- features community access production values, heavy use of foreboding strings soundtrack, and standard-issue Birther ideology.

For a $30 contribution, viewers also get a fax sent in their name to the 50 state attorneys general and Attorney General Eric Holder demanding that President Obama produce his real birth certificate."

It's over at TalkingPointsMemo but I imagine you would rather have your unit cut off with a power tool than visit a leftist blog.

Joe said...

Ducky: Why on earth would I be interested in a "birther" site? Have you ever seen me question President BO's place of birth? I don't write posts on subjects I know nothing about.

And I don't allow power tools on this site.