Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Just Have Nothing to Add. Unbelievable!


sue hanes said...

Joe - President Obama is right - he did end the war in Iraq. Now he has to explain how he started it up again with the airstrikes.

He won't be the first president who didn't do what he said he would. Or did things he said he wouldn't.

It's a tough job. But someone has to do it.

Joe said...

sh: "He won't be the first president who didn't do what he said he would."

Oh! OK! That makes it alright. Thanks for that instruction.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Read my lips: no new taxes!" --President George H.W. Bush

Oct. 27, 1983:

President Reagan --Let me ask those who say we should get out of Lebanon: If we were to leave Lebanon now, what message would that send to those who foment instability and terrorism? If America were to walk away from Lebanon, what chance would there be for a negotiated settlement, producing a unified democratic Lebanon?

If we turned our backs on Lebanon now, what would be the future of Israel? At stake is the fate of only the second Arab country to negotiate a major agreement with Israel.

President Reagan announced Feb. 7, 1984, that the U.S. Marine contingent in Beirut would be withdrawn.

Yes. Presidents change their minds when events pressure them to.


And remember how dedicated to the WoT this guy was?

Geaux A Retired Marine said...

Get Ready for Boots on the Ground in Iraq
The handwriting is already on the wall for the Dipstick Obama. Now that he is committed to bombing tumbleweeds and desert oasis, guess what?
What, no empty pharmacies to send T-Hawks into?

Its not working
So, the decision will have to be made at some point.
Cut and run like he did last time? Leave it to turn into a crap hole like it is today? Just another Obama Syria screw-up?
Or will he put boots on the ground to do the job?
I say he'll leave them to die and go play some golf!

Joe said...

SK: Why do you guys insist on justifying a president's statements and/or actions based on what a previous president might or might not have done? Is it still true in your mind that two wrongs cancel each other out and result in a right?

Geaux4it: "Get Ready for Boots on the Ground in Iraq."

Oh, come on! That's impossible! He said we were through. Isn't his word as good as gold?

What? You mean it's not?

Ducky's here said...

Because, Joe, we realize that the world situation changes and it is necessary to change with it.

We understand the nature of politics.

We are not naive.

Joe said...

Ducky: That was pretty obscure. I have no idea what you just said.

Let's see if I can figure it out.

"...the world situation changes..."

Therefore it is proper to justify a president's statements and/or actions based on what a previous president might or might not have done?

Nope. You lost me.

Good work.