Wednesday, July 25, 2012


God, Not Government, Helped Me Succeed, Mr. President

Here's my open letter To Barack Hussein Obama:

Mr. Obama,

You recently made a statement to the effect that, ”If you have a business you didn't build it, you had help," implying that the federal government helped build our businesses by virtue of paving roads and building bridges and keeping the nation safe from foreign invasion.

First of all, Mr. Obama, if I'm going to take advice about business it will not be from somebody who has had absolutely no business experience like yourself.

Secondly, Mr. Obama, I vehemently disagree with your premise.

Where was your government when I spent as much as 16 weeks away from my wife and infant son to get a business started?

Where were you on those cold winter nights when my old bus broke down in the middle of nowhere and we had to scramble to make the next show, nobody from the government came along to give us a ride?

Where was your government when I had to borrow money from a bank to make my payroll?

Where was your government while I was digging out of a two million dollar debt, playing every smoky beer joint I could to keep from losing everything I owned?

Mr. Obama, I want to make you aware of a fact. It is the federal government's responsibility to build roads and bridges and keep the nation safe. That's what the federal government is supposed to do, not create an entitlement society that is totally unsustainable and pile up debt that we can't pay.

And who do you think paid for those roads and bridges in the first place, and have been doing it for 200 years before you were even born?

The citizens of this nation do not need to pay more taxes, the federal government needs to stop spending money it doesn't have and has to borrow. Because the truth of the matter is that no matter how much taxes the government collects, things are only going to get worse because you'll only spend it and demand even more.

Mr. Obama you have divided this nation by making the have-nots believe that anybody who has been successful has done so at their expense, that anything they've accumulated has been stolen, not earned. That hard work and risk had nothing to do with their success, because they’ve just been lucky and should give a big part of what they earn to the government to pass on to those who don't even try to be successful.

Look at what’s going on with the African-Americans who put their hopes and complete confidence in you and voted overwhelmingly for you. The unemployment rate is 14% and the unemployment among young African Americans is something like 40%

Is that what hope and change is all about?

Look at what's happening in your hometown of Chicago where the murder rate is through the roof.

Do you think your baseless rhetoric about the unfairness of the successful in America is going to help soothe the situation?

Have you ever considered reaching out to them, instead of fanning the flames?

Mr. Obama I don't think you like America very much. I think you'd like to redesign it from the ground up, to turn it into a lazy, unproductive, secular, socialist society.

Well, that just wont flush in a lot of ways, the most prominent being that when all the productive people have given up and stopped trying, when all the investors stop investing, when 80% of the population is living on government hand outs, your government is going to run out of money and this nation will sink into chaos.

But Mr. Obama, I’m beginning to think that's what you want.

My help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth - not the government who made debt and class envy.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

God Bless America
Charlie Daniels


Jarhead said...

This creepy president named Barack Hussein Obama has a miserable record of failures now All the public can remember him for is his vacations, his hip hop parties, his and his wife the Mooche's overspending, race baiting, lying, and taxing. We knew he lied through his teeth to get elected in 2008. I hated this fraud, this creep, this corrupt clown and the people he pals around with, and surrounds himself with. from day one..
But the brain-dead libs and the Progressive dingbats will vote for him no matter what. There is nothing he can do to discourage their vote. Nothing except maybe take away their free-bees. .

Lisa said...

Love it! Obama thinks because he had help all his life that everyone else does too. We are just not sure which government actually helped him.

Joe said...

Ducky: Sorry. This was not a post about your assessment of CD's talents. It was about government interference.

If you are not bright enough to recognize that hes is successful, too bad.

Color you G O N E!

Xavier Onassis said...

Jo Joe - Alright. You deleted Ducky for being off subject. Let me see if I can take up the slack.

"First of all, Mr. Obama, if I'm going to take advice about business it will not be from somebody who has had absolutely no business experience like yourself."

So tell me Charlie, why should President Obama take advice from you on being President when you have never been elected to any office ever?

Being a former hippie now neo-redneck fiddle playing one-hit wonder hardly qualifies you to tell a duly elected POTUS how to execute his office.

You get to vote. So vote. Your "open letters" are nothing more than self serving publicity blatantly designed to draw more bigotted rednecks to your concerts.

"Where was your government when I spent as much as 16 weeks away from my wife and infant son to get a business started?"

The fact that you were a crappy, absentee husband and father because your own fame and fortune were more important to you than your own family is all on you. The government had no part in your selfish ambition and screwed up priorities.

"Where was your government when I had to borrow money from a bank to make my payroll?"

The government was there in the form of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) created by the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 which guarantees the safety of deposits in member banks, up to $250,000 per depositor per bank.

Without such insurance, I doubt that any bank would have been willing to loan even $20 to a long haired, bearded, travelling musician with no guaranteed stream of income.

"Where was your government while I was digging out of a two million dollar debt..."

How the heck does ANYBODY get two million dollars in debt?? If I go 30 days without paying my $200 utility bill they shut me off. I would love to know how to game the system to such an extent that I could still function on a day to day basis while being 2 million dollars in debt.

My guess is that there must have been some federal regulations in play tat prevented Charlie's creditors from swooping in and confiscating and liquidating all of his assets. He should be thanking the government for giving him that room to breath and regroup.

"Look at what's happening in your hometown of Chicago where the murder rate is through the roof."

I was born in Coffeyville, KS. I moved away when I was 7. But Coffeyville is my "hometown". What responsibility do I bear for what is happening today in a place I left 50 years ago?

That's a stupid argument.

"My help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth..."

Ah, OK. As soon as you start ending words in "eth" and pointing to a non-existant, White, Anglo-Saxon, bearded, toga-wearing, Sky-Daddy who has a vested interest in your ticket sales, you lose ALL credibility.

Take a knee and do a Tebo if you must, but keep it to yourself.

President Obama's charge is to do what's best for ALL Americans. Not just rich neo-con fiddle players.

Joe said...

XO: "So tell me Charlie, why should President Obama take advice from you on being President when you have never been elected to any office ever?"

For the same reason you told Bush what to do: They work for us. Being president is not being king, it is serving the people.

"Your "open letters" are nothing more than self serving publicity blatantly designed to draw more bigotted rednecks to your concerts."

A totally unsubstantiated comment.

"The government had no part in your selfish ambition and screwed up priorities."

As well it shouldn't.

"Without such insurance, I doubt that any bank would have been willing to loan even $20 to a long haired, bearded, travelling musician with no guaranteed stream of income."

I was a well dressed, income earning citizen when I was refused a loan by banks to start my business. Should've been a hippie, I guess.

"How the heck does ANYBODY get two million dollars in debt?? "

Well, that's not a bad question, it hurts me to admit.

"What responsibility do I bear for what is happening today in a place I left 50 years ago?"

None. But the president is the president of ALL the people, including Chicago, which he helped form when he was training for the presidency as a "community organizer" (read: rabble rouser).

"Take a knee and do a Tebo if you must, but keep it to yourself."

Be a vile, vulgar man with no morals if you must, but keep it to youself.

I guess freedom of speech doesn't apply to conservatives. Nor does freedom of religion.

Anonymous said...

oe, how did you spell GONE? You need to do it again and slower this time the mentally handicapped ....

Donna said...

Every Small Business Person in this GREAT Country of ours, has put many hours and much sweat and time into building their own business. Sure they some TAX Breaks along the way, but they never did it with help of UNCLE SAM bailing them out iike some of the *** OBOZO *** blunders that have received so much money and then went BELLY UP

Lone Ranger said...

The best way the federal government can help build a business is to get out of the way. About 200,000 small businesses have had to fold since Obama took office. And, if Obamacare is allowed to kick in, expect multiples of that number.