Sunday, October 16, 2011

SUNDAY RESPITE-He Is Jehovah-Kenneth Copeland


sue hanes said...
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Joe said...

sue hanes: I removed the stupid anonymous comment, as well as your response. Nothing wrong with your response except with his comment gone, yours no longer had a context.

Hope you enjoyed the song.

I'm not a Kenneth Copeland fan, but I am a fan of that song and his rendition of it.

sue hanes said...
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Z said...

Joe, there's a Kenneth Copeland on Christian TV who TALKS, but is that the same guy who SINGS this song?

This is nice, thanks.
I wish you could have heard my praise band this morning! I have to admit WE ROCKED! :-)

Joe said...

Z: Same guy! I like his singing much better than his "name-it-and-claim-it" preaching.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

But are you not giving him credibility? Would you also post songs by cult members?
Copeland's "Jehovah" - the God he follows - is not the God of the Bible.

Joe said...

GEC: There are a lot of songs I like that are by people whose theology I disagree with.

J.S. Bach was one example. The Mormon Tabernaccle Choir is another.

I ascribe no credibility to the person just because I like the music.

The quality of music is fairly objective, not subjective.

However, what one likes or dislikes may well be subjective.

I also like some Gregorian chants, some Middle Eastern fare and a few oriental numbers.

My musical tastes are pretty ecclectic.

Just don't make me listen to opera or "alternative."

Anonymous said...

As clear as night is from day, Kenneth Copeland is a big time fraud, using the church to live high on the hog. And how does he get mega rich ? From having stupid dumb people attend his sermons & preaching. Easy money ! He has 3 luxury jets, one to preach his "gospel" from, one to "keep away from demons" even though Copeland is one himself and the third plane is for having airborne orgies with Benny Hinn & Creflo Dollar !! People get captivated by fucking cunts like Kenneth Copeland, a full time big scam artist. Kenneth Copeland is NO man for Jesus as he is a definite false preacher. Probably fucks himself to build up more steam ! Fucking wolf in sheep's clothing is what Kenneth Copeland really is. The "god" that Copeland follows is really the Devil in disguise. He should get converted to Islam as he has given Christianity a really bad name.

Anonymous said...

There are 550,000 homeless people in the U.S. alone. And Kenneth Copeland talks & talks & talks. He acquires 3 luxury jets for himself, has $760 million/- plus costly mansions. While 550,000 live rough. What a bin, full of garbage is one way of describing K.Copeland. Only talk but NO practise. If K.Copeland is not a cunt, what is he then ? A fucked up motor mouth cunt !
Many in New York, Chicago, L.A., Atlanta, etc. etc. are struggling day to day . And Ken Copeland talks about Jesus ! Scratches his balls(if he has balls !), presses his arse & asks his church to spend money on him. K.C is a sore loser if there was one. He should be asking the church to donate to those in need. He wants to live high but the church should pay. Why should the church pay ? Nothing super about K. Copeland apart from being a fucking fraud.

Anonymous said...

Kenneth Copeland must be rebuked into giving up fraud & deceit. How is that done ?
By planting a Reebok shoe up K. Copeland's arsehole !

Anonymous said...

The blind leading the blind. Kenneth Copeland shies away from demons but when he looks in the mirror, he sees one looking back at him ! Using Christianity to get mega wealthy. A fuckin' fraud cunt of the highest order. Arsehole wanker. Perhaps K. Copeland could do with a monkey up his arse to turn over a new leaf but could be a little late for that. He should return all that money he "stole" from his congregation first. Copeland has to cope with all his sins for
the rest of his life. He could start preaching to the Taliban & get a rifle butt shoved up his arsehole in return !