Thursday, May 2, 2013



Xavier Onassis said...

Why does this guy remind me of Marshall Applewhite?

Craig & Ducky, you guys take the night watch.

I've been under the weather and need to get some sleep.

American Jihad said...

There are TOO many of these "accidental tragedies" !! The Freeken Right-Wing Loony parents should absolutely be charged and this family can go first as an example of what will happen to you if you don't start acting responsible! Someone said today you can't legislate irresponsible behavior...OH YES YOU CAN!!

Craig said...

The enemy of your enemy is your friend. How else can one explain you posting a vid from noted atheist, Pat Condell. You should watch some of his videos on Christianity. That was before he threw in with David Horowitz, Robert Spencer and Pam Geller.

Apparently, a Progressive is anyone that points out his b.s and pointing it out is, somehow, trying to shut him up. He can't get the "truth" from MSM, so he relies on the internet. No red flag there. He doesn't source any of his claims about Muslims and rape in Sweden but I found plenty of Righty blogs hyperventilating about the explosion of rapes reported and it must be because Mooslims.

There has been a big increase in reported rape in Sweden. In 2006, Sweden passed laws that changed the way rape stats were recorded. There is also a public campaign to encourage the reporting of rape, particularly acquaintance, date and spousal rape. Another reason is how they quantify rape. From a report by Amnesty International,

In Denmark and Norway, The statistics record cases (generally one case for one victim), while in Sweden statistics record reported acts of rape. If, for example, a woman is repeatedly raped by the same man during the course of one day, each rape will be registered as a separate offense. This is also true for cases where a woman is raped by a group of men. Hence, crime statistics in Norway and Denmark show how many people have reported rape, while the Swedish statistics show how many acts of rape have been reported.

There is no statistical data that supports the rise in reported rape is due to the rise in the Muslim population.

I have no more use for Islam than I do for Christianity, Buddhism, or any supernatural superstition. I also have no use for scumbags like Pat Condell who smear a group of people based on made up "facts" he found on hate sites on the internet. I'd say the same if he was smearing Christians with anecdotes and non facts.

The 2 states with the highest rape rates, by a long shot, are Alaska and S. Dakota. Hmmm, red states.

Joe said...

Craig: "The enemy of your enemy is your friend. How else can one explain you posting a vid from noted atheist, Pat Condell."

And I should care that he is an atheist, why?

XO is an atheist, and I hear from him.

"There is no statistical data that supports the rise in reported rape is due to the rise in the Muslim population."


Ducky's here said...

I would get the duty on a day he posts this guy.

Well, Joe, I could only listen to snatches but I tried.

Evidently unless the media is harping on the danger of Muslims 24/7/365 to the exclusion of all else we are ill served.
Just another bigot.

But what should we do, Joe. Mind you, I come into close contact with Muslims frequently and I've never had an issue. In fact the guy who is interning in nano-biology at Mass. General and asked me about my photography was quite interesting.
He likes America but misses his family in Iran. Nice guy, probably loading on the taqiyya, eh or looking for a Swedish blonde to rape.

So what do we do?
As far as I can tell we have to get rid of all Muslims. And if they don't leave we round them up and put them in camps.
Good conservatives like Condell would probably endorse that.

What do we do, Joe? You and your clan possess all the facts. Guide us. Stop cursing the darkness and light a candle.
Give us the Christian perspective.

Craig said...


Show me.

Joe said...

Craig: "Show me."

Why? There is nothing that ever has changed your "open" mind, what evidence is there that it could be changed now? It would be an exercise in futility.

Ducky's here said...

Joe, I'm am still hurting from you calling my photography meaningless.

Is this meaningless?

I was rather happy with it. Kind of light hearted and humorous. We need a little levity now and again, no?

Joe said...

Ducky: I said they were well composed and had great contrast. What do you want, evrything?

And which of us wants to levitate, anyway?

Ducky's here said...

Thanks, Joe. We really don't want to be meaningless, even Progressives.

One Man Speaking said...

I think a lot of this results from where people get their news from. It's no secret that MSNBC leans left, but they don't stoop to the levels that Fox News does. Fox is notorious for twisting the truth and flat out lying about anything positive associate with Obama.
After all, where would conservative be without conspiracy theories especially when President Obama is concerned. ... What a foul stench emanates from that News Room. Bad enough to make a buzzard puke.
My question is, would you guys feel the same if Obama was a white man

Craig said...

what evidence is there that it could be changed now?

Evidence that shows causality. Condell claimed the rise in reported rapes in Sweden was a direct result of Muslim immigration. I thought to myself, is this true? I researched it and found there is no evidence to support it. It's due to a concerted effort by Swedes to remove the stigma from victims of rape. It's because they count the acts of rape, not the number of victims.

When your response is to simply say I'm wrong, I wound expect you'd have some evidence to back it up. I know there isn't any. An ad hominen response is all I can expect from you. I'm closed minded. So, what do you call someone who holds an opinion without one shred of evidence to support it and overwhelming evidence against?

The unexamined life is not worth living. It's no wonder you can't find meaning in Ducky's photography.

Thanks for the links, Ducky. I'll spare you my critique, it's all good. Almost inspiring. I'm tempted to pick up my camera, if I wasn't so busy correcting Joe on the internet.

Joe said...

GP:"...would you guys feel the same if Obama was a white man"


Ducky's here said...

Thing is, Joe, it's tough to understand just what you want.

We know what you dislike -- progressives, Muslims, liberals, the social welfare state, secularists etc. but other than some very broad and not very useful platitudes about "freedom" it's tough to figure out if you would be happy with the outcome of the laissez-faire system you desire.

I'll tell you this. You're hip would sure hurt a lot more but your mileage may vary.

Or is it that evangelicals really don't care about the here and now except as it relates to the end times and their hereafter?

I just don't get you folks.

Xavier Onassis said...

Ducky - Joe wants an America that never existed in reality. He wants the myth that never was.

SIDE NOTE: I just used my copy of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book to kill a spider that was crawling up my wall. No metaphors or euphemisms...that just happened. But I digress.

I used to think Joe wanted the "Ozzie & Harriet" version of America. When everything was in black & white, the men always wore suits and ties and the women wore dresses even as they were cooking and cleaning.

But I don't know! Their son, Ricky Nelson was a rock & roll idol and we all know that it was just a short skip and a hop from "Hello Mary Lou" to Country Joe and the Fish "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag" at Woodstock.

Can't imagine Joe would approve of that.

And don't even get Joe started on "I Love Lucy".

I mean really, what was Ricky Ricardo's immigration status? Was he here legally? Did Lucy marry him just so Little Ricky would be an American Citizen and they could bring over all of the extended Cuban Ricardo family members? Was this the beginning of Miami???

It's all a slippery slope. Hard to find that Pure America that Joe and his sycophants seem to believe existed.

For me, I believe in the ideals that our Founding Fathers expressed in the Constitution and which we have failed to live up to.

We started failing as soon as the ink of the last signature was dry and we have been failing ever since.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ducky, got a chuckle out of this one.

I know the woman on the right. Hangs out at "My Cousin's Place," on Hanover and Charter, along with Johnny "Shoes," and also, me!

One of these days you may capture me as I walk the North End, Harbor Walk, Washington Street, or any other part of Boston. I'm out and about most days enjoying this great city. Your photos allow me to enjoy it even more! Thanks.

Joe said...

XO: " Ricky Nelson was a rock & roll idol and we all know that it was just a short skip and a hop from "Hello Mary Lou" to Country Joe and the Fish "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag" at Woodstock."

I liked Ricky. There was some good music done at Woodstock. "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die" wasn't an example of it.

Desi Arnaz was an American citizen. I'm not so sure about Ricky Ricardo. He seemed a little iffy to me.

"We started failing as soon as the ink of the last signature was dry and we have been failing ever since."

Yeah. The liberals have seen to that.