Thursday, January 13, 2011


If you think Sarah Palin is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think Rush Limbaugh is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think Glenn Beck is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think Sean Hannity is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think Conservative talk radio is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think George Bush is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think red winged blackbirds falling from the sky is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think Sarah Palin's "blood libel" comment is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think conservative blogs are responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think The Tea Party movement is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;

If you think the right to bear arms is responsible in ANY WAY AT ALL for the shootings in Arizona;


The Arizona shootings are the result of the deranged thinking of a mentally disturbed leftist, Marxist, nihilist who acted out his fixation on Congressperson Gabrielle Giffords on his own accord.

Against such things there is no defense.

You cannot blame the media, you cannot blame God, you cannot blame yourself, you cannot blame me and you cannot blame any faction of society.

If you are rational, you can only blame Jared Lee Loughner, and he is the one, and the only one, who must pay for his actions.


Trekkie4Ever said...

Absolutely, he made the choice to go on a murdering spree, no one else placed the gun in his hand.

Lone Ranger said...

I have to tell you, that picture really creeps me out. There was a time when someone with this guy's past could be thrown into the loony bin. Thank-you, liberals and ACLU for making that almost impossible. Now, it isn't enough to seem you're nuts, you have to prove it -- by shooting a bunch of people.

tha malcontent said...

Joe, you wrote, "If you are rational, you can only blame Jared Lee Loughner, and he is the one, and the only one, who must pay for his actions"

Come on now Joe, these Progressive bloggers are not fools, they know who's too blame, but they are also opportunists and want to take this event as an opportunity to bash and destroy the republican/conservatives.

The Progressive SOCIALIST SLIME bloggers, the same ones that lost ALL their credibility are now on the bandwagon to discredit Sarah Palin and call her anti-Semitic for her use of the term "blood libel" in her video statement on the Arizona shootings.\Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and the Tea-party has been a thorn in their backsides for a long time now and here is their chance to destroy them all in one shot. They knew exactly what they were doing. But that shot has back-fired... didn't it!!!
So now that that lying scheam has failed, they are going after Sarah Palin for being " anti-Semitic" what a crock!
PS.. You can put that inept Sheriff in the same bag.

Silverfiddle said...

I also blame that sheriff who had numerous run-ins with this murderer and never once had him psychologically evaluated, even though he threatened others and acted irrationally to the point of the college calling the police.

tha malcontent said...

I totally agree with SilverFiddle, the sheriff really went far beyond his expertise when he implicated the rightwingers and Talk Radio.

He, like the lefties on these boards also knew exactly what he was up to, when he spread his vicious venom all over the media .

pnipni said...

Obama, Soros, Pelosi, Reid, etc. Your mask is falling off of you Marxists and your toxic network of Anti-Americans who want to COLLAPSE America & install Marxism using Illegal Aliens and Islamists as your Army! You're losing to the Majority of America! and there are hundreds of Millions of U.S!

Scotty said...

The Progressive SOCIALIST SLIME bloggers, the same ones that lost ALL their credibility are now on the bandwagon to discredit Sarah Palin and call her anti-Semitic for her use of the term "blood libel" in her video statement on the Arizona

Not to defend what has happen the past few days but, haven't a certain sector of the Republicans done some of the same?

My party also harbors some that could be called the elite. There are many in our own party that wish Sarah Palin would go away.

Look at what they did to Christine McDonnell! Rove was one of the most guilty when it came to playing down McDonnell. RNC seemed to begrudgingly give McDonnell funds to help her campaign. It was VERY apparent their hearts weren't in it as their anointed one went down in flames!

We have an elite group in our own party that would rather lose than not have one of the anointed ones run.

Those same people looked down their noses at the Tea Party movement until they started to see the numbers. While they certainly weren't a vocal as the left, they certainly have worked, albeit subtlety, to discredit some of the same people that the left has so much distaste for.

Look at that last Presidential race, they gave us McCain! Palin was the real energy behind that Campaign. Snickered as I watched McCain, suddenly, become a conservative again to when his seat. I remember watching the debates and seeing McCain agree with Obama, or so it seemed.

I have so many times wanted to leave the Republican party but, where does one go? Certainly not to the "no labels" group of RINO's!

I guess I'm a dinosaur, I remember a time when the word Republican was synonymous with conservative it seems that many have lost their backbone.

The actions of the people last November had little to do with what the higher ups wanted. It was US that made them stand up a listen as their status quo candidates lost.

They too have deserted Sarah Palin as I listen to them complain that her timing was bad for her last video.....I just plant my face in my hand!

Lone Ranger said...

That's why we have the Tea Party, Scotty. It will take more than one election to drain this swamp.

Susannah said...

SPOT on, Joe! Great post!

When you have a minute, I just posted a few pics. I'd like you to see.

Hope work's going well~

Joe said...

Leticia: Guns do not point and/or discharge themselves.

LR: He is very creepy, indeed.

the malcontent: As I said...

Silverfiddle: Now he is out trying to de-blame himself.

pnipni: Thanks for the visit. They don't seem to like this country very much, do they?

Scotty: If Republicans (RINOS, especially) don't wake up, their shift will be short lived.

Susannah: Went...looked...was awed.

tha malcontent said...

Scotty, we can always look at other events that happened in the past, this tragedy is not new to our history. But this happened NOW, this is in the news NOW. What happened before had nothing to do with this and we can not accept this because something similar happened before. Just like we can NOT give Obama a free pass because Bush may have done something similar. Or Nixon did it also.
Facts are Facts and the facts show that this shooter did this because he is deranged, and not because he was a conservative or a Tea-Party member.
The blame is right on HIS own doorstep. And that goes for the Pee-brained Sheriff and Geraldo Rivera, and the whole lot of those that jumped the gun including those hair-brained left-wing bloggers.

Scotty said...

Joe and Lone, I hope you're right. If anything my advanced years has taught me, it always seems that we, the voters, have short memories.

As noted in the McCain election last November, he had to swing to the right and he's done it before only to head back to the left.

I've got my fingers crossed and pray maybe this time is it! I don't like being this way, as generally, I AM a positive thinking kinda guy.

Malcontent...I don't disagree with a thing you said.

Everybody is singing the praises of what Obama said during the memorial. But I think about it and wonder, where was he four days prior during all the finger pointing....No need to answer, I know what it is.

My point was about we Republicans eating our own!

Lisa said...

Of course we all know as well as the left and as usual they insist on throwing bombs because they can't debate the message so they attack the messenger.
I think that speech that was used for Obama to do was nothing more than to boost him up was disingenuous. You know where he was 4 days before Scotty? Allowing the media to blame and slander conservatives unfairly.
He could have put a stop to it at any time but he didn't want it to stop. He needs this so he can operate from behind the curtain only coming out periodically to make a superficial speech never looking into the camera but instead turning side to side in a most elitist,nose in the air manner.

Z said...


(sorry I haven't been around; I'm feeling better and will be visiting as normal soon!) xx

Scotty said...

You know where he was 4 days before Scotty? Allowing the media to blame and slander conservatives unfairly.

I know!! As he kept his wet finger to the wind.....