In a joint meeting before every reporter stationed in Washington D.C., the leaders of both houses held a press conference at which they announced:
The members of both the House and the Senate have agreed to dispose of their present taxpayer provided health insurance policies, with all of their special provisions for both routine and catastrophic health coverage, in favor of President BO's proposed Public Option plan.
They have done so in order to demonstrate to the American people their good faith in presenting such a plan and to assure the American people that it is a plan that will meet the needs of every American who wants to avail himself/herself of the plan, including all of the members of both the House and the Senate.
In an unprecedented move, the lawmakers showed unanimous solidarity in accepting the very plan they put forth for the American people.
"This is a great day for the health needs of ALL Americans, whether in public or private service," one unidentified Congresswoman was heard to proclaim.
"Here! Here!" responded a Senator.
Note: The preceding announcement is an absolute fabrication and bears no relationship to truth in any way, shape or form.
What they SHOULD do is practice whatever they are proposing for like 6 months or something. If they can live with it, like it, vote on the proposal.
Yes it would cost money, but a heck of a lot less than they're spending now!
Oh thank God! You scared the spirit out of me! I don't care if they all embrace it. I don't want it. I don't care much for kool-aid thank you very much.
Members of Congress should not have any health benefits whatsoever; there is no justification for keeping any of them alive.
Of course, that's just my opinion.
Semper Fi
Cap and Trade
Health care
they're slipping by and IN while we're worrying about less consequential things... Good job, Obama; it paid off having those 3 bigwig network producers in the WH.
Joe it is my understanding thay are exempt from the Health care policy being put forth......also in the same bill Union Workers do not have to pay taxes on their healthcare benefits.....Nice......fire the whole bunch and start from scratch. trouble is they get a taste of that money from special interests...constituents,,,what are they????..
Not in your wildest, drunken dreams.
Those guys won't even use the same rest rooms as the great unwashed. I understand that they openly complain about the foul smell of the public.
Joseph!! You scared me out of my wits!
Now. What are we gonna do w/ what they're REALLY pushing???
Heaven help us.
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