Monday, April 1, 2013


The American Dream was put in place by a group of Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of the known universe.

The original American Dream is over.

A coalition of people of all sorts, government workers, union members, social experimentalists, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the eternally needy, the “make no contribution while enjoying the government cow” group and a myriad of other Ne're Do Wells, led by a man who declared that he wanted fundamentally change America, have succeeded in eliminating the recollection of what the American Dream ever was.

Pit Bulls have replaced Cocker Spaniels. Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” has replaced the U.S. Constitution. Chicago shysters have replaced men of character. World socialists have replaced principled Americans and now pull the puppet strings.

Dead people voting are preferred over live people proving who they are with picture IDs. The new standard is for people to be allowed to vote as many times as they can get away with. Our Commander-in-chief has been elevated to Mother Teresa status, and even savior status.

Fly-over values have been rendered irrelevant. Opposing viewpoints have been vilified and ridiculed. Freedom of thought and speech have been replaced by political correctness and pantywaists, and the country has been brought down without a shot being fired, a-la Nikita Khrushchev.

Instead of defending themselves, people are encouraged to call for the police when their personal space is invaded by some miscreant. It is thought better to give in to the whim of the bad guy and just wait the ten, twenty or forty-five minutes for the police to arrive, risking life, family and limb.

There is no road back, if we keep electing RINOs and leftists to office, locally, state-wide and nationally. The only hope is a generation of zealots who can see the value of true liberty and freedom. The only hope is to raise a generation of people raised on Truth, and not history rewritten.

As with our framers, there will have to be blood shed for the cause of liberty. That this generation and the last have frittered away our Republic is an anathema. There is a specter hanging over us that can only be spirited away by those willing to stand for freedom; by those willing to fight for the promise that was ours.

May God grant that such men step will forward, stand firm and insist that this land be given back to the people so that liberty and justice for all will never perish from the face of the earth.


Unknown said...

Yep, the American dream IS over. Say hello to the new Amerika

Craig said...

As with our framers, there will have to be blood shed for the cause of liberty.

Just curious, who's blood will be shed first? The president? Some member of Congress? Maybe blow up a military base or just start shooting "moochers" on the street. Who decides when the revolution starts? Tim McVeigh thought he should start it.

Your paranoid persecution fantasies have crossed the line, Joe.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Yes, Craig, we are all paranoid about what the government will be doing next in taking away more rights.

I guess the fact that we already have our rights to not want to sanction sexual perversion taken away, or the fact that we already in many places have rights to more than seven bullets taken away, etc, is just stupidity on our part.

Darth Bacon said...

how can you support this leech who is trying his best to destroy the future of America, along with the future of your Children and Grandchildren.. Never before in the history of the world has a country ever spend so much money as we have in the past 5 years.
Some people disliked Bush for one reason or another, and voted for Obama because they believed he would be good for this country, never expecting that he would be worse. I can understand making a mistake and voting for the wrong guy, but why make the same mistake twice?. They called Bush stupid, and yet they replaced, stupid with stupider. Go figure!

Shaw Kenawe said...


Take heart, Joe. There's always THIS.

Joe said...

DB: I would rather not say hello to a new Amerika.

Craig: "Just curious, who's blood will be shed first?"

I don't know. If it comes, it will come from people who are of the same mind set as those who revolted against the King of England. Nobody wanted bloodshed then, either, but there was no other choice.

You don't have to believe me, nor do you have to like what I have to say, but as we look back, you will see that I was right.

GEC: They (liberals) can think of no legitimate argument against us, so they just turn to name calling and false accusations.

DB: They replaced stupid with incompetence.

SK: ???

Shaw Kenawe said...

JJP: "SK: ???"

You don't know?

Today is April Fool's Day, and you've been Rickrolled.

Xavier Onassis said...

SK - Ahahahahaha!!!! That was brilliant!

And to the right wing chuckleheads, give it up. There isn't going to be any revolution, society isn't going to collapse, nobody is gonna kick in your door in the middle of the night, take all your guns and forcibly tattoo you with The Number of The Beast.

Jesus ain't coming back, there won't be a Rapture and come 2016 the power of the presidency will be peacefully transitioned to whoever wins the election.

I'm sure it's fun in your paranoid fantasy land to picture yourselves as some patriotic militia network fighting the noble fight to overthrow a government gone socialist and take out The Anti-Christ in the White House.

You really need to get a grip on reality and spend some of that ammo money on a full neurological workup. You're sick and you need help before you harm you neighbors and families.

So glad the High Holy Days Cease Fire is over and we can get back to business!

I MISSED YOU GUYS! Bring it hug!

Ducky's here said...

Dead people voting are preferred over live people proving who they are with picture IDs.

Bit of a pant load Joe. The right to vote is preferred to voter suppression here on the left.

Anyway troops the word for the day is hyperbole.
You've really outdone yourself, Joe.

Joe said...

XO: "There isn't going to be any revolution..."

We'll see.

Ducky's here said...

@GEC -- I guess the fact that we already have our rights to not want to sanction sexual perversion taken away, or the fact that we already in many places have rights to more than seven bullets taken away, etc, is just stupidity on our part.

Oh stop it, Glenn. You and your brethren are free to hate homosexuals as much as you like.
But yes, you are not free to deny them civil rights.
This is a secular culture, learn it.

As far as limiting the size of your magazines, if you can't get the job done with seven rounds, you ain't gonna get it done. Stop whining.

Xavier Onassis said...

Joe - Ha ha! Keep on stoking that fetishistic fantasy.

If I believed in an Eternal Soul (which I don't) I would bet you mine that there won't be a revolution. There will just be a slow but inevitable fading into the distant past of people like you and your loyal commenters.

This country, and the world, is moving forward into a progressive, secular, scientific future where superstitious mumbo jumbo is rightly lumped into the same bucket as children's fairy tales.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

We don't "hate" homosexuals. I don't care what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom. But "hate" is the only victim card you can pull, isn't it?

No, the issue is that we are being FORCED to give sanction to their perversion. They can do it all they want, just don't force me to accept it. Our rights in that regard have been taken away. We are being FORCED to accept sexual perversion or else be punished. Funny how they are hypocritical and refuse to allow other sexual perversions, such as pedophilia. Even a large percentage of "gays" are against that.

No one is even trying to deny homosexuals any civil rights. But it is NOT a civil right to redefine what marriages, and it is NOT a civil right to force others to sanction homosexuality.

The next time a police officer is carrying his issue sidearm which holds 13-14 rounds, tell him to unload all but seven because if he cant get the job done with seven he has no business being a cop. You display such a huge amount of ignorance about firearms.

Ducky's here said...

They can do it all they want, just don't force me to accept it.

Accept what, their civil rights?

Glenn, read some history. Heck, marriage has changed enormously through the ages after initially being primarily an institution to transmit property.

Heck, the idea of marrying for love is less than a couple hundred years old. It changes.

Marriage in America is a civil contract and denying gays access to a contract they are perfectly able to fulfill is a denial of equal protection and a denial of their right to equal protection.

Your church will not be compelled to perform these marriage but we are not going to listen to your whining about "changing definitions" or "defending marriage" when you deny people access to a civil contract.


Ducky's here said...

... oh by the way, Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathon ... homosexuals.

The bible is rife with homosexuality.

Little polygamy too.
Marriage changes.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


It is NOT a civil right to redefine marriage. Name me ONE real civil right anyone is trying to deny homosexuals.

Marriage has always been between members of the opposite sex, and no where in history has it been defined as anything different. When there were perverted rulers who claimed to be "married" to their boy toys, it was not recognized by the public.

You can call a tail a leg, but it is still a tail. You can call a dandelion a rose but it is still a dandelion. You can call a homosexual union a "marriage," but it will never be one.

It isn't about what a church will or will not be forced to recognize. Individuals are not churches. There are already people being sued, losing jobs, losing big money, being force to go to indoctrination classes for nothing more than refusing to give personal sanction to perversion.

We will not "GET OVER IT" any more than the Jews in WWII were to "get over" being forced into concentration camps.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


By the way, you are so full of crap with your claims about David and Jonathan, and Naomi and Ruth. There is nothing in the Scripture which even intimates such stupidity, and only homosexualists try to force their agenda into it. The Bible is NOT "rife with homosexuality" except that it condemns such perverse behavior.

Polygamy is, guess what - the union of opposite-sex partners, thereby meeting the definition of marriage!

You are so brainwashed by liberal propaganda that you will never be able to think for yourself.

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - " the issue is that we are being FORCED to give sanction to their perversion. They can do it all they want, just don't force me to accept it. Our rights in that regard have been taken away. We are being FORCED to accept sexual perversion or else be punished. Funny how they are hypocritical and refuse to allow other sexual perversions, such as pedophilia. Even a large percentage of "gays" are against that.

No one is even trying to deny homosexuals any civil rights. But it is NOT a civil right to redefine what marriages, and it is NOT a civil right to force others to sanction homosexuality."

** sigh **

First and foremost. Marriage predates Christianity. So marriage isn't yours to define or protect.

BUT! Let's assume for the sake of argument that your precious Bible is the Supreme Arbiter of what defines marriage for EVERYONE of ANY faith.

Because, of course, your "god" is the only "god". Everyone else is wrong and you are right.

Because that makes such perfect sense.

Here are the various ways your God has sanctioned marriage.

ONE MAN ONE WOMAN - Genesis 2:24

ONE MAN + BROTHER'S WIDOW - Genesis 38:6-10

ONE MAN + MANY WIVES + CONCUBINES - Abraham (2 concubines); Solomon (300 concubines); Gideon, Nahor, Jacob, Eliphaz, Caleb, Manassah, Belshazzar, all had concubines in addition to their wives.

ONE RAPIST AND HIS VICTIM + $50 - Deuteronomy 22:28-29

"28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.

15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

MAN + AS MANY WOMEN AS HE WANTS - Lamech (2 wives), Esau (3 wives), Jacob (2 wives), Ashur (2 wives), Gideon ('many' wives), Elkanah (2 wives), Davis ('many' wives), Solomon (700 wives), Rehaboam (3 wives), Abijah (14 wives).

MALE SLAVE + FEMALE SLAVE - "If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself."

I know, I know. That's all "Old Testament" stuff. Jesus rewrote all that old Jewish stuff with the New Testament.

So what does Jesus say about marriage and homosexuality in the New Testament?

Absolutely NOTHING!

Ducky's here said...

XO --- Check this out from the Wiki on the history of marriage.

"As part of the Protestant Reformation, the role of recording marriages and setting the rules for marriage passed to the state, reflecting Martin Luther's view that marriage was a "worldly thing""

I wonder how Glenn missed that.

Fredd said...

Have heart, Joe.

Just like the climate, where ice ages come and go, so too do tyrants. Craig asks a real solid question: who's blood will be shed first, a stray moocher shot dead in the street like a dog, or a politician?

Time will tell, but as Ben Stein's brilliant daddy Herbert Stein opined some years ago a truism that will endure: (and I paraphrase here) 'if something can't go on in perpetuity, it' won't.'

Xavier Onassis said...

Fredd - "Just like the climate, where ice ages come and go, so too do tyrants."

You are a silly person not worthy of serious consideration.

The majority of the American people elected and reelected Barack Obama.

You, and people who share your views, are an ever shrinking minority.

Say "buh bye" to the Whigs and Bull Moosers on your way into ancient history.

Joe said...

XO: Bet away! (Leave me in your will).

Ducky: We on the right believe in everybody's right to vote while they are alive and we don't believe in suppressing that right. We object to dead people voting...the definition of which might extend to those not yet in the grave.

" to hate homosexuals as much as you like."

That's just plain stupid talk. You duplicit people can't seem to grasp loving the person while hating the deed. I hate thieves, but the thief is as worthy of human love as you are.

"...... oh by the way, Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathon ... homosexuals."

You just make stupider and stupider statements...all born of rank ignorance. Stick to what you know. ( might have very little to say.)

XO: Your theological dissertation demonstrates you unabashed ignorance of the meaning of Scripture. You will repeat what you have said, as though repeating it makes it right, but you will still be wrong.

Fredd: We will see, indeed.

XO: "You are a silly person not worthy of serious consideration."

Are you in front of a mirror?

Craig said...

The only hope is to raise a generation of people raised on Truth, and not history rewritten.

That's funny, considering your post features a phoney quote from Jefferson. You got that quote from Wallbuilders, didn't you. I know David Barton has no shame but don't you want some credibility? I'll buy you an AR-15 and all the 30 round clips you want if you can source that quote to Jefferson.

BTW, Joe, your endorsement of an armed revolution is defined by the Constitution as treason. Art. 3, Section 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

You can call your blog Traitor Joe's.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You are correct - marriage does indeed predate Christianity. It was founded at the very beginning of Creation when God made Adam and Eve and brought them together, defining their union as marriage.

All your examples - including total misrepresentation of what the texts actually say - prove one thing - it is always the union of opposite-sex people.

Jesus says plenty about homosexuality when he pointed out what marriage is by pointing back to the beginning. He also didn’t have to speak about homosexuality since it was already known to be an abomination.

To argue from silence is stupid. Jesus didn’t specifically mention pedophilia, so is that okay? Jesus didn’t specifically mention bestiality, so is that okay? Jesus didn’t mention pornography, or rape, or incest. Mentioning any of these would have been unnecessary since the populace already knew they were wrong!

You really need to get off the atheist talking point sites and come up with an original thought.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Martin Luther was also a rabid anti-semitic. But I didn't know we were looking to him as the authority on marriage.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

You err again. The majority of the American people did NOT vote for Obamanation.

The majority of those who actually voted did. The majority of voters were fed up with what was offered to them and didn't vote at all.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Anti-gun nuts still don't know the difference between a clip and a magazine! Their ignorance is their bliss.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"We will not "GET OVER IT" any more than the Jews in WWII were to "get over" being forced into concentration camps."

Dear Gawd! This guy likens allowing gay people to enjoy equal protection under the law to the genocide suffered by the Jews under Hitler?

XO, Ducky, why do you argue with such hysterical nonsense?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


No, what I was likening was the removal of rights of those of us who don't agree with the establishment with the removal of the rights of the Jews who the establishment didn't like there.

Some people like you have no sense of analogy - let alone common sense.

Ducky's here said...

@Shaw --- XO, Ducky, why do you argue with such hysterical nonsense?
It has a history, Shaw.

Actually, Craig, XO and myself kind of like Joe.
He's not a mean spirited guy art heart but there is a fascination with how often he can be wrong and not open his eyes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yeah. I used to comment here more frequently, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall, so I come here less often.

Joe isn't mean-spirited, it's true, but I find it difficult to get through to him most of the time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

GEC to SK: "Some people like you have no sense of analogy - let alone common sense."

Well thank you, Glenn, it's awfully Christian of you to say I have no common sense because I questioned your analogy.

BTW, Jewish people not only lost their rights, but the German government murdered them by the millions simply because they were Jewish.

Are you or any of your compatriots who are upset over seeing gay people being treated equally under our Constitution experiencing anything NEAR genocide over gay marriage?

No of course not.

As our good friend Ducky would say:

Pitch til you win.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

There was nothing "un-Christian" about what I said.

Just because there is no genocide towards Christians yet, that doesn't mean it won't happen. After all, it is prophesied that it will take place during the Tribulation.

Islam is taking over, and they are known for their murder of Christians, including mass genocides - such as in Armenia.

Don't say it can't happen here - no one 50 years ago would have believe the descent into complete immorality,anti-God, and anti-liberty this country has degenerated to.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Name the liberties you no longer enjoy, Glenn.

And name the "complete immorality and anti-God" issues that have overtaken this country.

I want factual evidence, not paranoia.

And thank you in advance.

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - "After all, it is prophesied that it will take place during the Tribulation."

OH! It's prophesied! Well who could possibly doubt the veracity of a prophecy? Y'know, since they ALWAYS come true and all.

"Islam is taking over, and they are known for their murder of Christians, including mass genocides - such as in Armenia."

Seriously? Since your befuddled brain seems to be stuck in the Dark Ages perhaps you might remember that during The First Crusade when your precious Christian Crusaders took the Holy Land from the Muslims and Jews who fought side by side to defend it, they slaughtered every man, woman and child and even engaged in cannibalism. Every street in Jerusalem was flooded in blood. Some of them who, like you, refuse to live in the 21st Century, are still a little pissed off about that.

"Don't say it can't happen here - no one 50 years ago would have believe the descent into complete immorality,anti-God, and anti-liberty this country has degenerated to."

This country isn't "denigrating", it's growing up and throwing off the narrow minded stupidity and superstitious clap trap that has extremist fundamentalist Christians and extremist fundamentalist Muslims trying to drag us all back to the Middle Ages.

We deny you! Go live in a cave somewhere with your ammo cache and 100 years worth of MREs. You're not welcome in the 21st Century where intelligence and rationality prevail.

If you want to reverse things and set the world back a 1000 years, you should pray for that to happen.

Let me know how that works out for you.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Surely you jest.

Everywhere you look God is being thrown out of the public sphere. The atheists want all mention or symbology of God removed from anything remotely resembling government property. Obamacare and its assault on Christian businesses requiring them to have insurance to pay for abortions and birth control is but one wee example.

Immorality? Pornography is rife, just about every movie or TV show is all about sexual immorality. The wholesale approval of homosexuality and same-sex unions. Abortions by the millions have taken place since 1973. Etc.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Every prophecy in the Bible has come true. Scoff, it you will, but it is definitely true.

Ah, I just love revisionist history. The Crusades were a response to the Muslim takeover of Christian lands. If it wasn’t for the Crusades, you’d be speaking Arabic right now - IF they didn’t behead you for not converting to Islam.

While the Crusaders did commit heinous acts, they were in retribution for the heinous acts the Muslims committed. Not that one bad deed deserves another, but that was the culture. Islam started it, and they are still intent on making the entire world Islam.

Just because you think sex in every permutation should be right and proper, that doesn’t mean it should be. Unrestricted sexual immorality always brings a society to dust.

But then again, people like you and your ilk have no moral standards but your own opinions, and therefore it is sexual mayhem. Since you have no moral standards against which to make the judgments you make on this comment string, how do you know your thoughts aren’t anything more that evolving electrical charges bouncing around in your head? That’s about the value of what you have to say.

Ducky's here said...

how do you know your thoughts aren’t anything more than evolving electrical charges bouncing around in your head?

See that's the deal, Glenn. CO's thought is capable of evolving, yours are stuck.

And if you knew any history at all (yours is woeful) you would understand that we wouldn't be speaking Arabic but Turkish.

The Crusades were partially a response to attacks in the Holy Lands by Turks.

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - "Every prophecy in the Bible has come true. Scoff, it you will, but it is definitely true."

That is a flat out, indisputable LIE!

I blatantly lifted the following from

"Now, ignoring for a moment all the self-fulfilling prophecies, prophecies so vague that they can always be interpreted to be right, trivial prophecies, later texts that could easily have been written so as to conform to the prophecies, prophecies that aren't corroborated by any source outside the Bible... ignoring all of that, is it true that all Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled save for the end-times? Well... no.

Jeremiah informs us that God will smite all the Israelites migrating into Egypt (42:15-18). Even so, I think we can be reasonably certain that people from Israel have journeyed into Egypt without suffering God's wrath. Egypt isn't even the enemy of Israel it was in Biblical times, so what reason would God have for a jaunt into another neighboring country now?

Isaiah predicts that five cities in Egypt will undergo a language conversion to the Canaanite tongue (19:18). Of course, since this never happened, and since the language of the Canaanites is now dead, I don't see it happening any time in the near future. Of course, I'm not a true prophet.

Isaiah just a few verses later foretells of an alliance between Israel, Egypt and Assyria (19:23-25). Since Assyria is no longer a country, the odds of this prophecy being fulfilled have dropped considerably. And if Assyria were to reform, it wouldn't be the same Assyria that Isaiah, in all his God-given prescience, predicted.

Ezekiel purports God making claims that the Ammonites will be "no more remembered" (21:32). The difficulty with accepting this bold declaration is that it is printed in the Bible, which means that for the memory of the Ammonites to be truly erased, the Bible would have to be erased as well. Which would make the prophecy known to nobody, and hence useless. Apparently Ezekiel's God didn't take Logic 101.

Ezekiel prophesied that Nebuchadnezzar would destroy the city of Tyre (26). He goes on to tell Tyre that they will never be rebuilt. Yet later we learn that Nebuchadnezzar was unsuccessful in the raid of Tyre (29:18). Alexander the Great conquered Tyre hundreds of years later. It was then rebuilt, contrary to Ezekiel 26:14. Had Ezekiel been vague and not stated that it would be Nebuchadnezzar who would destroy Tyre, and not stated that Tyre would never be rebuilt... well, it would just be chalked up to another successful prophecy. However, Ezekiel mentions specifics, and even informs us that he got it wrong. And yet here I am, having to reiterate that not all the prophecies in the Bible have come true."

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - And let's not forget the most important prophecy...the return of Jesus.

Rev 22:7,12: Behold, I (Jesus) come soon. Blessed is he who keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book... I will return soon, and my reward with me, to give to every man according to his deeds.


Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must shortly take place...

Rev 1:3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.

Rev 3:11 'I am coming quickly...

Rev 22:6 And he said to me, "These words are faithful and true"; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show to His bond-servants the things which must shortly take place.

Rev 22:7 "And behold, I am coming quickly."

Rev 22:10 And he said to me, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near."

Let's look at the words used regarding the return of Jesus...

"soon", "THIS GENERATION", "shortly", "near", "quickly".

Those used were used over 1000 years ago!

As our sponsor Joe is so fond of reminding us, words mean what they mean.

Under NO definition could any of those words be construed to mean 2000+ years and still waiting with no end in site.

Shaw Kenawe said...

GEC: "Shaw,
Surely you jest.

Everywhere you look God is being thrown out of the public sphere."

"In God We Trust" is on every piece of lucre you touch every day of your life. Every city, town, and village in this country has some house of worship in it. The people's airwaves, TeeVee and radio, are saturated in evangelical programs asking people to give money to support their ministries. Children recite the Pledge of Allegiance with "Under God," which was added and not in the original pledge. Every session of Congress is opened with some clergy reciting a prayer. We have a National Prayer Breakfast every year. Every president has sworn his oath of office on a Bible, with "so help me God" at the end (neither of which is required by the Constitution.) Any religious person is free to pray to him or herself anywhere he or she wishes to pray. Americans are free to belong to any religion, even if that religion is based on space aliens. We are THE MOST RELIGIOUS western democracy on the planet.

You are obviously talking through your hat and are completely wrong in your assertion that God is being thrown out of the public sphere. I gave you actual evidence to show that is false. You gave me nothing but your opinion based on nothing.

If you're sad that Christian prayers are not being recited in public schools and Bible readings are not allowed, then take it up with the Founding Fathers, who specifically state in the Constitution that the government shall not favor any religion.

"The atheists want all mention or symbology of God removed from anything remotely resembling government property."

Well that's what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they hoped to keep religion out of government business. That has failed. The Judeo/Christian religion is all over our public sphere, as I pointed out.

GEC: "Obamacare and its assault on Christian businesses requiring them to have insurance to pay for abortions and birth control is but one wee example."

No. That's not " wee example..." That's one large lie. Obamacare does not force Christian business to pay for abortions or for birth control.

GEC: "Immorality? Pornography is rife, just about every movie or TV show is all about sexual immorality."

Pornography has been part of the human story for millennia. There's nothing new about humans wanting to see people nekkid, or engaging in nekkid sport. Don't like it? Don't look at it. Child pornography is against the law and should be.

GEC: "The wholesale approval of homosexuality and same-sex unions."

See this is what your complaint is really about. Americans are no longer demonizing gay people, and that seems to be what is so disturbing to you. We've matured as a country and understand that homosexuality is natural and has been part of humanity since we fell out of the tree. It's a natural but a minority sexual attraction. Granting people equal protection under the law is a foundational right averred in the Declaration of Independence and codified as law in the US Constitution.

I see more and more Americans in this country turning away from fearing and detesting what they don't understand. And that is a good thing

Perhaps that's because I never learned hatred and revulsion toward gay people -- or any minority. My parents were pretty cool that way.

Relax and learn to love your gay brothers and sisters. And try not to think to much about what they do in their bedrooms.

Xavier Onassis said...

The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense.

Joe said...

XO: "Ezekiel prophesied that Nebuchadnezzar would destroy the city of Tyre (26)...Nebuchadnezzar was unsuccessful in the raid of Tyre (29:18)"

A closer look at the text shows that such an interpretation is misguided. Ezekiel began his prophecy by stating that “many nations” would come against Tyre (26:3). Then he proceeded to name Nebuchadnezzar, and stated that “he” would build a siege mound, “he” would slay with the sword, and “he” would do numerous other things (26:7-11). However, in 26:12, the pronoun shifts from the singular “he” to the plural “they.” It is in verse 12 and following that Ezekiel predicts that “they” will lay the stones and building material of Tyre in the “midst of the waters.” The shift in pronouns is of vast significance, since it shifts the subject of the action from Nebuchadnezzar (he) back to the many nations (they). Many fail to see this shift and mistakenly apply the prophecy of the utter destruction of Tyre to the efforts of Nebuchadnezzar.

Regarding the prediction that “many nations” would come against Tyre, the historical records surrounding the illustrious city report such turmoil and war that Ezekiel’s prophecy looks like a mild understatement of the facts.

There's more, but I doubt that your "open mind" could absorb it.

You should stick to things you're qualified to speak about.

This one you are not.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


The end isn’t here yet. I love it when prophecies about the future are denied because the future isn’t here yet. And I love it when people keep spewing atheist talking points which have been rebutted by scholars over and over again.

But you don’t care about facts - YOU’RE A LIBERAL! Never confuse liberals with facts.

I'm very familiar with history. Turkish, Arabic - you got the point, didn't you? Unless you are as stupid as you let on.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


Revelation is about the future yet to come.

Matthew's comments about "This generation" has a context - the context is the generation who will see the signs He just described. DUH!

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - You keep spinning like that you're gonna get all dizzy and fall down!

And if you are concerned about facts you should steer clear of the bible because it doesn't contain any.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The Atheists are still trying to get that removed from our money. (by the way, you calling it “lucre” says more about YOUR attitude). Almost all of your examples have nothing to do with the liberals wanting all references to God/Christ removed from public viewing outside of the church. Most schools no longer recite the pledge, by the way. The National prayer breakfast is for every faith, and marginalizes Christianity by have false teachers representing the faith. The “god” people like Obama swear to is a generic god and not the Christian - true - God.

You are confusing “religion” and Christianity.

Atheists are trying to get crosses removed from memorials, off of city seals, etc. Public schools force children to play act at being Muslims while a Christian kid can’t even draw a cross without being censored. “Christmas” trees are now “holiday” trees, Christmas break is “holiday break.” Etc, etc, etc. Just because you don’t pay attention to the daily news about the rights of Christians to express their faith in the public sphere, that doesn’t mean it isn’t taking place.

I don’t want public prayers in school, but I also don’t want kids praying over their lunches to be hauled before the principal! And your ignorance of what the Founding Fathers had in mind about the Christian faith is pretty solid. Your understanding of what the Constitution says is made up in your own mind. The intent was not to prevent the Christian faith from influencing the government, or being sanctioned by the government, rather the intent was that there was to be no state denomination of Christianity as there was in Europe. The Christian faith itself was recognized as the national religion. The intent was that the government wouldn’t dictate to the churches or to the individual Christian how to run their churches or lives.

Well that's what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they hoped to keep religion out of government business. That has failed. The Judeo/Christian religion is all over our public sphere, as I pointed out.

As noted, you have no clue what the Founding Fathers had in mind - it is obvious you haven’t read history or the Federalist Papers or even the Constitution itself, rather you parrot liberal talking points. The fact that Christians are part of the public does not make them part of the public sphere which runs the nation. They are continually marginalized.

You need to learn to read. I didn’t say the businesses themselves were required to pay for birth control or abortion, I said that they are required to have insurance which pays for abortion and birth control. That is what the current lawsuit with Hobby Lobby is about.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Pornography and sexual immorality have always been part of society, but kept hidden because of shame. Modern technology has brought pornography into virtually every home, and you see it on the magazine stands at books stores, or even in the grocery store with Cosmo and Sports Illustrated covers staring you in the face. I haven’t watched TV forever because every show is rife with sex. Movies are rife with sex, even if you go to see PG movies! Sex outside of wedlock is preached by the entire entertainment industry. At no time in history has sexual immorality been taught in the public schools as it is now. Colleges have “how to” sex weeks, etc. Sex has become the major subject in every facet of our culture, and it is virtually NEVER in the context of marriage.

I’ve never “demonized” “gay” people, nor have anyone I’ve ever known done so. Stating that homosexual BEHAVIOR is wrong is not demonizing people. Homosexual behavior is NOT “natural” in any sense of the word. Murder has been part of humanity since shortly after creation, but I didn’t realize the longevity of something immoral suddenly made it moral.
No where is anyone denying homosexuals equal rights or equal protection under the law, but it is NOT equality to redefine what marriage is, or to force people to give personal sanction to it.

I’ve never had a revulsion to “gay” people either; I have a revulsion to sexual perversion. As long as they keep it in their bedrooms I don’t care about it. But the issue is that they want us all to know what they do by their proclamation of being “homosexual” or “gay” and they want special rights based on their sexual behavior, and they want the privilege to have people agree with them or else be punished.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Your demonstrated ignorance of the Bible is growing exponentially with every comment you make about it.

Shaw Kenawe said...


It must be painful for you to live in this world.

I'm so sorry for you, and sorry you see the world through such unhappy, suspicious, and intolerant eyes.

Consider this discussion closed between us, since there's no sense in trying to open a willfully blind person to enlightenment.

Good day.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

You are the willfully blind lemming heading for the cliff.

Joe said...

SK: "...there's no sense in trying to open a willfully blind person to enlightenment."

Funny. I was thinking the same thing about you. Are you open minded enough to allow that Glenn or any other Christian might be right and you might be wrong?

I didn't think so.

Joe said...

GEC: By calling herself "enlightened," SK has demonstrated how society has "developed" to the point of calling good bad, right wrong and evil holy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe, we don't agree on much of anything, but can you please not make stuff up about me?

I didn't call myself enlightened. That is what YOU SAID, not I.

I gave Glenn several examples of how his rights are NOT being taken away.

Glenn gave not ONE example. Just his skewed opinion.

This isn't about right or wrong. It's about Glenn making assertions and not backing them up.

Trying to get you or him to understand that is a waste of time, as your snarky and insulting remarks make clear.

Gay marriage. MARRIAGE. Is happening and will happen, and that's something no amount of insults to me or anyone else by you or Glenn will change.

Xavier Onassis said...

SK - What those "biblical scholars" Jo Joe and G.E.C. fail to realize and cannot defend is that nowhere in the Old or New Testament do God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit ever define marriage or condemn homosexuality.

Not. One. Word.

I challenge them.

Where is marriage defined in the bible as being between one man and one woman and nothing else?

And don't give me that Adam and Eve crap.

1: That never happened and DNA analysis proves it.

2: Even if some mystical, supernatural Sky Daddy snapped his fingers and conjured a man and a woman into existence, at no point in the scripture did he explicitly define "marriage".

According to your Holy Scripture, He just created them, gave them instructions he knew they wouldn't obey (because He's Omniscient...WTF?) and let them do what they wanted.

"I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I'm going to impregnate a virgin woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself. To save you from the sin I originally condemned you to."


Joe said...

SK "...trying to open a willfully blind person to enlightenment."

That implies that you know what enlightenment is and he doesn't. Could it be that he is enlightened?

Wouldn't it take an opened mind to allow for that?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe, I gave several examples of how religious this country is, how steeped we are in it, and that no one is taking Glenn's freedom to worship as he chooses away from him.

That's the enlightenment. And he refused to see it.

He gave absolutely no evidence that his freedom of religion was being taken away.

He posted his paranoia, not facts.

Not one person from the government has come to his home and told him he cannot worship his god in the way he chooses. I guarantee that. And no government has closed down and outlawed his place of worship.

When this was pointed out to him, he ignored it, doubled down on his paranoia [backed up by nothing] and made more outlandish claims.

He refuses to see what is in front of his nose:

His freedom of religion is secure.

Joe said...

SK: "He posted his paranoia, not facts."

I'm afraid of facts.