Saturday, May 9, 2015

Come and Get Me, Peaceful Muslims. I'm Making Fun of You

H/T Bloviating Zeppelin


sue hanes said...

Joe - They are beautiful. So is the mother.

Joe said...

sh: I particularly liked the two plastic bags, didn't you?

Fredd said...

At least you didn't draw the prophet. Certainly a death sentence would be reasonable if you did.

Got some crayons, Joe?

Z said...

I think the bags are twins.

Joe said...

Fredd: Even so, I'm watching my backside.

Z: Twin bags or twin children?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Looks like a mom with triplets.

Joe said...

GEC: That it is a mom is little more than an educated guess.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Now....that is funny....