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Paul Bedard |
The following article is from the Washington Examiner. It is by Paul Bedard.
As the debut of Obamacare nears in less than 10 months, officials responsible for implementing the complicated law are starting to warn that it will be a mess.
"We know it's going to be messy," said Jeffrey Crowley, a former top Obama aide on the team that spearheaded development of the Affordable Care Act. "There are going to be things that come up that are unanticipated," he added.
Discussing Obamacare Monday at a Center for American Progress seminar on the law's impact on HIV/AIDS and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, the president's former director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy and senior advisor on disability policy added, "if we do everything we can possibly think of, it's still going to be a messy transition, but we'll end up in a better place."
Added Kali Lindsey, director of legislative and public affairs at the National Minority AIDS Council, "one of the realities of the Affordable Care Act is that everything is not going to be perfect when it's implemented on day one."
One element of confusion will be providing healthcare to immigrants. Undocumented workers were not covered by Obamacare, but federal officials are rushing to win approval of immigration reform that will expand coverage to illegals.
At the seminar, Mayra Alvarez, the public health policy director at the department of Health and Human Services, urged health care advocates to carefully watch the development of immigration reform to make sure coverage is offered.
"Let's keep our eyes on the prize of comprehensive immigration reform," she said. "I just want to emphasize that the undocumented are part of our communities. They are part of the people that many of our organizations serve. They go to school with our children, they work with us. And I think first and foremost the administration is committed to passing comprehensive immigration reform..."
The CAP panel expressed confidence that Obamacare will open the door to wider health care availability for the LGBT community and, over time, the elimination of the "stigma discrimination" many feel at the doctor's office.
There are about 1 million Americans suffering with HIV/AIDS, and the infection rate is growing among black men and gays and bisexuals. But two-thirds are not in treatment programs, according to Jen Kates of the Kaiser Foundation.
Still looking forward to ObamaCare?
As a trained medical assistant, I take care of a mentally ill people and many of them who are who is diagnosed with Schizo-Affective disorders, and occasionally some of them have the same political ideology that these progressives such as Shaw Kenawe, Ducky,Liberalmann, and the others.
I suggest these people seek medical attention at once, because it is exactly the kind of political ideology that is tearing the political discourse in this country apart.
For example, where do liberals come off calling conservatives racist? You and people like you have been name callers and hateful ever since the republicans have held office since the days of JFK. In my opinion Liberals have never demonstrated tolerance, yet you seem to constantly blame the other side for doing exactly that. Why is it that Liberals, and progressives and their ilk are incapable of accepting facts, such as Obama is a socialist.
You may hate George Bush, and Dick Cheney but that's your problem. I don't hate Obama, I simply hate his policies, I hate his arrogance, and his lack of honesty, because just exactly like you, he cannot be honest and simply state that he is a Socialist. Through out his first term, he has lived up to all my expectations including his hatred for big business, and his failure to take responsibility, and like you he blames George Bush for everything.
Anon, on what factual basis do you base your claim that Obama is a socialist?
Mr. Miller, what is your explanation for why Obama keeps saying that the rich do not pay their fair share when the actual data show they pay far more than their fair share? Are you saying he is ignorant, or are you saying he is a liar? Also Obama proposes to raise income tax rates on the “the rich” because they do not pay their fair share, not payroll tax rates. But thank you for your faithful allegiance to Mr. Obama.
Yes, Obama is a Socialist. He believes in the redistribution of wealth.
Now let me see how else I can prove my point! Does he not wants government control of everything? He sure does, Schools,roads, police, fireman, medicare, social security, banks, business! Talking about business, Obama took over GMC, and how many banks who failed because of the subprime loans made to deadbeats who should not have been given loans in the first place because most of them had no means of repaying. But on the assumption that everyone should own a home?
He is dictating the terms of the ObamaCare insurance companies so everyone will have an insurance?
And furthermore, I’d go out on a limb and say that most Democrats are Socialists.
We now have a president and 50% of the voters who endorse socialism and communism.. What the hell happened to our nation? What happens when Obama taxes us so much we run out of money? I worked so hard getting through college and finding a good job. Now all the college kids want is a free ride, for the government to pay for their college and then they say they can't find a job. I tool a job and finally got the job I wanted. The kids now days, just want everything right now without working for anything.
When you do not have the ability to save anything and you are told that you can get everything free as you are with Obama, then this is pure socialism, no doubt about it.
But you folks seem to feel it’s ok, as long as you can make fun of Sarah Palin or George Bush, two people who love America more than both of the OBAMA could ever think of.
Look, call him whatever term you wish to, whatever he is his policies will destroy our country as we know it.
Is Obama a Socialist? Are you kidding? Is the Pope Catholic?
Well for sure he is not a capitalist......... I would say he is a progressive socialist.
You liberals are really gullible.
Did he not say when he was campaigning: “We live in the greatest country in the world and with your help we'll change it.” Well, the pathogically clueless and ignorant did just that and voted for an incompetent man at the expense of Americans who did not want to change America and what is Obama doing now? He is punishing the givers to give to the takers. A stellar president he is not but a liar that he is, he's power hungry. The future generation will not look kindly on the Obama supporters.
You will get the bad government you voted for. Unfortunately those who voted against him will get it, too.
The stock market has been hitting record highs.
If Obama is a socialist, he really sucks at it. Worst socialist EVER!
Xavier Onassis said...
The stock market has been hitting record highs.
If Obama is a socialist, he really sucks at it. Worst socialist EVER!
Well then it must be true.. OBAMA SUCKS!
What a bunch of crap, from another stupid Koolaide drinker. When you FLOOD the economy with another 6 TRILLION dollars is causes the PRICE of EVERYTHING to go up.
GOLD has gone up nearly $1000 because the number of dollars in circulation. Only an idiot would say the "false rise" in the stock market had anything to do with Obama having done anything positive or corrective.
We STILL have a FISCAL CATASTROPHE after FOUR YEARS of INEPT policies from Obama. obama's record is horrendous! how anybody could believe he's done a good job is on crack!
Truth Seeker - You are living on a different planet. The reason the price of gold has risen is because insane doomsday preppers are buying it up and that demand is driving up the price. That's how the free market works. That's NOT how socialism works.
Every economic indicator shows a growing economy. The policies that Obama put in place worked.
@Political chic --
Mr. Miller, what is your explanation for why Obama keeps saying that the rich do not pay their fair share when the actual data show they pay far more than their fair share? Are you saying he is ignorant, or are you saying he is a liar?
I'm afraid the ignorance is with you, political chic.
The top 10% have about 40% of the national wealth and are taxed at about 15%. Fair?
The top 20% have received over 100% of he wealth gains in the last decade while the middle class has been flat and the poor have lost some of what little they have.
Does that sound as if the rich are paying their share?
Buy a vowel.
Joe, what bothers you most about the article, the fact that HIV patients will receive treatment?
Like the douchebag David Gregory who is married to a Democrud lawyer locked in with the Dem DC crowd waving around a high-capacity magazine in violation of DC’s gun laws and Eric Withholder, seller of pardons and contempter of Congress (who never got punished for it), who got off scot-free with a LAME ASS excuse from DC’s Chief of Police. If you’re a pigressive, you’re MORE equal than the rest of us and thus, above the law.
Let me say this, loud and clear. If you’ve got lotsa bucks buy gold right now. If not, buy bullets
Buck - Yes, by all means! Buy LOTS AND LOTS of gold at $1000+!! Which will keep driving the price even higher! Bury it in your backyard! Store it in your Doomsday Prepper club house!
And then when 2016 roles around and civilization HASN'T collapsed, there WASN'T a civil war and once again presidential power is peacefully transitioned from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton and the price of gold PLUMMETS you will be out a lot of money.
You really don't understand how markets work at all, do you?
Anon: I appreciate your opinions, but could you at least give yourself a name so you can be distinguished from the other anonyms?
DM: Is that a rebuttal, or what?
FTAOTPC: I agree that BO behaves like a socialist, if a somewhat frustrated one. MCT nails it. Either way, Obama is bad news.
MO: There are far too many liberals who vote from a position of ignorance that they are too ignorant to recognize.
XO: The stock market is a barometer of BO's greatness?
MCT: See above. You nailed it.
TS: No. You are right, XO is wrong.
Ducky: "...the fact that HIV patients will receive treatment?"
No. Nothing bothers me about the article. It is a good article.
Buck: The government is buying more bullets than we are. I wonder why?
SO: You're dead wrong about why the price of gold is high.
@Joe --- XO: You're dead wrong about why the price of gold is high.
Well take a crack at it Joe.
What a putz! A blind man with a cane could see this coming. You can only burn the candle at both ends for so long.Nobody knowing what Obama really stands for doesn´t give anybody a sense of security. This trip to Israel was a bad idea because it created a lose/lose for Obama,which i couldn´t care less about.
Alienating everyone? Hey, it´s what he does.
The affirmative action moron who now leads NASA clams the sequester would stop us from deflecting a Russian sized asteroid from hitting a US city.
So tell all of your Jewish friends and relatives in America to stop voting for liberal putzes.
Jo Joe - "XO: The stock market is a barometer of BO's greatness?"
No. The stock market is a barometer of how well the greedy, fat-cat capitalists are doing in a growing economy.
One would think that if the president was the dictatorial socialist that you all seem to think he is that the rich would not be getting richer.
"XO: You're dead wrong about why the price of gold is high."
So skyrocketing demand for a product that is in limited supply doesn't drive up the price?
Pray tell, enlighten us oh Oracle of Economics (who barely has two dimes to rub together), what REALLY drives up the price of scarce products?
From the Archives of the Political Sheik: "Now let me see how else I can prove my point! Does he not wants government control of everything?"
Nah. He doesn't "wants" gummit control of everything.
From the Archives of the Political Sheik: "He sure does, Schools,roads, police, fireman, medicare, social security.."
Those are already government controlled, even the "fireman". They are under the control of local, state or federal government. And the gummint is gonna take over the military too! And obama's gonna be in charge of that too!
FTAOTPC: "He is dictating the terms of the ObamaCare insurance companies so everyone will have an insurance?"
Will everyone have "an insurance?" Only the Lord of Darkness knows.
FTAOTPC: "And furthermore, I’d go out on a limb and say that most Democrats are Socialists."
And I'll go out on a limb and say that you don't know your gluteous maximus from your articulatio cubiti.
@Buck --- Let me say this, loud and clear. If you’ve got lotsa bucks buy gold right now. If not, buy bullets
Would you pick those over mortgage backed REITs right now?
Just curious since for a fringe right winger you seem really smart.
Joe, I have a question.
Say Goldman Sachs has a hundred billion in rather dicey mortgage backed securities and sells them to European banks which causes the Europeans a serious liquidity problem when housing prices drop.
Is that more desirable than the Fed buying the same securities when the Fed can wait for housing market to improve without facing a liquidity crisis?
Just want your opinion since some of our right wing brothers and sisters(much like Bill Witless) seem real confused about what the Fed is doing.
It's similar to what the Fed did to bail out the Savings and Loans in the 80's.
Hmmm ... Bush, Reagan ... banking crises seem to follow rethugs.
Sephiroth & Xavier Onassis = A Pair of Ass-Holes
casse toi!
Next case!
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