Monday, December 16, 2013


Good grief! People are arguing over whether Santa Claus is white, black or purple! Is there really somebody who cares?

Santa, to begin with, is a mythical figure (albeit fashioned after a real person) and has been portrayed in different countries and cultures in many different ways.
In my humble, but correct, opinion, Santa should represent whatever your particular culture wants him to represent. He should look like what your culture wants him to look like. I certainly have never been offended by the visage of a black Santa. Nor would I be offended by an Asian Santa.
Now for page two.
Lumped in with Santa has been Jesus. Jesus was not mythical, He was real. The question is, “Was Jesus black, white, Asian, or some mixture thereof?”
Well the answer is that Jesus was Jewish and probably looked like an Israeli. It is my (again humble, but correct) opinion that he probably had a stereotypically Jewish nose, dark whitish skin (some have called it "olive")and probably was not particularly tall.
Jesus was not Asian, nor was He a Native American. I doubt that He was black, but I don’t care whether he was or not. Americans have tended to think he was a mid-western American from, what, South Dakota, Kansas or Arkansas? Maybe they think He was from Ohio or Michigan.
Still, I cannot believe that people are getting their bowels in an uproar over the skin color of either Santa or Jesus. Certainly nothing in the Christian faith has anything to do with Jesus’ skin color. And nothing in the world dictates what color or tradition Santa has to be.
To those who care I say, “Give it an everlovin’ blue eyed rest!”


Ducky's here said...

Thanks to Megyn Kelly and Faux News for bringing this to our attention.

sue hanes said...

Joe - I think that your description of Jesus is probably right although like you said - it really doesn't matter. Same with Santa - I really don't care what color he is - since he is just a fantasy.

Jesus is not a fantasy and he can be whatever color a believer wants him to be.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Actually, to make Jesus any color people want Him to be makes him "another Jesus" (2 Cor. 11:4). As Joe said, Jesus was a Jew, and would have skin which is more olive-colored, with black hair which was most likely curly.

I am sick of seeing "Jesus" as a white anglo-saxon with blue eyes, and I'm sick of seeing him portrayed as an African. Actually, I'm sick of seeing ANY representation, because it is idolatry. We have no idea what he looked like, so to make any picture and call it "Jesus" is making a Jesus in one's own image.

I have heard/read those who use icons and say looking at these so-called "Jesus" images helps them focus on thinking about Him. So, if I keep a photo of a playboy model in my wallet and tell my wife that looking at that photo helps me focus on her, do you think my wife would accept that? I don't think Jesus accepts such nonsense either.

Dave Miller said...

As Ducky, it was FOX News that brought this issue into the mainstream...

Megyn Kelly, who described herself as a real "hard" news anchor, stated that it was a fact that both Santa and Jesus were real and white.

Once again, the news station conservatives love and trust, the home of "fair and balanced" got it wrong, and way wrong.

Ducky's here said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ducky's here said...

@Glenn -- As Joe said, Jesus was a Jew ...
From a family of Ethiopian Jews.

Ducky's here said...

Glenn, when you rave about icons are you being precise and insulting the Orthodox church or do you include Roman Ctholics who I know are a target of your vile.

Joe said...

Ducky: "Thanks to Megyn Kelly and Faux News for bringing this to our attention."

She reported on it. She didn't start it.

"From a family of Ethiopian Jews."

Totally hogwash.

GEC: Liberals care nothing about the truth. They only want to spew their venom.

DM: "Once again, the news station conservatives love and trust, the home of "fair and balanced" got it wrong, and way wrong."

That ignores the origin of the current uproar.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You are bearing false witness against me - i.e., you are a liar.

i have no "vile" for Roman Catholics. I do, however, have disdain for Roman Catholic doctrines which are unbiblical.

ANYONE who "venerates" icons are practicing idolatry.

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - You have "vile" for Mexicans, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, African Americans, Liberals, Mormons, and anyone who isn't a white anglo-saxon Christian who believes in the narrow dogmatic definition of Christianity of which you have presumed to define.

I read your blog! I've been reading your comments on here for years!

In your deranged little mind, anyone who strays from your definition of Christianity is an apostate doomed to burn in Hell forever, even if apostasy and Hell are not a part of their faith tradition.

Apparently, you have a hotline to God. You are right and everyone else is wrong.

You reject the idea than an Almighty, All Powerful God might choose to reveal Himself to different people in different ways. That he might present Himself in a manner that would be directed to a specific cultural audience.

No, you place restrictions on God. You demand that God can only be YOUR God, and no other.

Are you so arrogant to think that a God capable of creating the entire universe would really allow Himself to be squeezed into the narrow confines of your interpretation of one book, from one religion?

Such incredible pride and hubris you have.

Perhaps you should fall on your knees, humble yourself before God and seek His forgiveness for daring to think that you could possibly understand His Mind, Will or Purpose.

You are not worthy.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


First, as a typical liberal like your friend Ducky, you are a rank liar, just like your mentor Obamanation. I have never shown vile for any of those you claim that I show vile for, nor have you ever found such on my blog. I have vile for false teachings, and vile for the false teachers who lead people into legalistic bondage at the least and damnation at the worst.

As a typical left-wing unbeliever, you demonstrate you have no clue about biblical teachings and what constitutes the true Christian faith.

“the narrow dogmatic definition of Christianity” is what has always been the true definition of Christianity, but you are too ignorant to know better. It is what the Bible states plainly, and what the first two centuries of Christians agreed upon.

The only deranged mind here is yours with YOUR vile towards true Christians and conservatives.

Whether or not a “faith tradition” accepts apostasy or Hell is irrelevant to the truth of them. Just like all liberals, you have no objective truths - all is relative. (Of course claiming that there is no objective truth is in itself an objective truth claim.)

I’ve never claimed to be the only one right and everyone else wrong. Those who are true Christians as defined by Scripture are right and those who deny the truths of Scripture are wrong. That IS God’s standard as He has written the book.

I place NO restrictions on God. I just reject claims that contradict the Bible and what it tells us about God.

I’m not arrogant about my truth claims, although you certainly are about yours! Christianity IS a narrow truth claim - after all, Jesus DID say, “Narrow is the gate.” It is you with hubris and pride who has determined to create a god in YOUR OWN image rather than accept the God of the Bible.

My “worthiness” comes only through Jesus Christ, while you remain dead in your sins and bound for eternal death.

Ducky's here said...

XO, what's a "typical" liberal?

I'm not entirely sure.

Joe said...

GEO: Don't you find it weird that an avowed atheist lectures a Christian about faith in Christ? In his tolerant world, tolerance is a one way street.

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - "... I have vile for false teachings..."

As defined by YOU. No one else, anywhere in the world or in human history can define what a "proper teaching" is. You and you alone get to decide what is true and what is false.

"...and vile for the false teachers..."

Again, that is all YOU making that judgement based on YOUR INTERPRETATION of the bible! Get over yourself! You are not the sole arbiter of what is true or false.

"As a typical left-wing unbeliever, you demonstrate you have no clue about biblical teachings and what constitutes the true Christian faith."

Dude, you are clueless. I have been studying Christianity, Islam Buddhism, Judaism, Sufism and every other expression of divinity created by man for over 40 years. I know more about Christianity than you do.

“the narrow dogmatic definition of Christianity” is what has always been the true definition of Christianity,"

That is just blatantly and demonstrably NOT TRUE. Again, that is YOU imposing YOUR interpretation of Christianity on a history that completely disagrees with you!

There have been, and will always be, as many definitions of "true Christianity" as there are people who read the Bible.

It's a book. Written and compiled by men. It is subject to interpretation.

You have your interpretation. Other people interpret it differently. And people have been doing so for two thousand years.

The idea that YOU, a bagpipe playing, kilt wearing, deranged and disgruntled former Air Traffic Controller with "Mexican issues" would have a direct pipeline to God Almighty that trumps and supersedes every other reading and interpretation of the bible that came before you is, in a word, INSANE.

I've said this before, I'll say it again, and I will keep saying it.

Get some professional help! You are delusional. You may have a chemical imbalance in your brain. You are a ticking time bomb. You are a danger to yourself and those around you.

It is only a matter of time before you SNAP and start seeing Apostate Mexican Socialist Atheists all around you and start shooting people with all of those guns you shouldn't even be allowed to have.

You are not a well man.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

As defined by YOU. No one else, anywhere in the world or in human history can define what a "proper teaching" is. You and you alone get to decide what is true and what is false.

This demonstrates your complete ignorance and total stupidity when it comes to anything to do with the Christian faith. As Christians we have a duty to test what is taught to ensure it agrees with Scripture. The Bereans were considered noble for doing so (Acts 17). Throughout the Bible we are told again and again to test what is taught and to expose false teachers. There are thousands of ministries - apologetics ministries - like mine who do this on a regular basis, thereby helping those who don’t have the time or knowledge to do the work of research.

You tell me to “get over yourself,” yet I am doing nothing more than every Christian is supposed to be doing - examining what the Scripture says and compare it to what the teachings are. I have studied in this field for almost 40 years, and have a research library of almost 1000 volumes on theology - every one of which I have read.

How about YOU get over YOURSELF and your arrogant and presumptuous belief that YOU have the right to tell Christians what they should or should not believe.

You clearly do not know more than I do about the Christian faith. Oh, and by the way, I also study all the world religions so that I can understand their beliefs, and so I can reach them with the truth about the REAL God and their need for a savior.

Your whole rant in your comment is 100% proof that you do NOT know what you THINK you know about true Christianity.

Wow, as a typical liberal you resort to ad hominem attacks to insult me because you have no clue about true Christianity. So, explain to me how my being a musician who wears the traditional attire worn by every bagpiper during performances has anything to do with the discussion at hand? With the hundreds of thousands of bagpipers in the USA, let alone around the world, all wearing kilts, the fact that I do the same suddenly makes ME deranged and unable to argue any side of any issue? How STUPID can YOU be!!!!

Oh, and now you lie about me and say I’m a “disgruntled former Air Traffic Controller.” That would be news to everyone I worked with (oh, and by the way, I spent almost three hours Tuesday visiting the controllers at my last facility - and I visit them at least 2-3 times a year, and more often when they call me about an aircraft to photograph). I enjoyed my work immensely, and the standard joke about me was that I enjoyed it so much that I should be paying to have the job!

Just what are my “Mexican issues”? That I am against illegal immigration? That I want the illegals deported so they can stand in line? That I want the law enforced? That I don’t want billions of dollars spent on them getting all sorts of government benefits, free education, etc? Yeah, I have a problem with ALL illegal immigrants. Gee, such “issues” I have to want a nation to enforce its laws and quit pandering to illegals just to get votes for the demokratik party.

BY they way, idiot, I’ve never claimed any “direct pipeline” to God. So you are lying again.

Your whole last 1/3rd of your comments are blatant lies, but that is what we can expect from deluded worshippers of Obama - the greatest liar ever holding the U.S. Presidency.

Dave Miller said...

Glenn, I appreciate that you are mad and get incredibly angry at us "libs."

I know what it is like to have ones faith challenged and even mocked. As someone serving in another country, believe me, I've been there.

But, and this is a big one, that does not give us the right, as Christians to disrespect people, and I believe you have done that.

You have called me a liar simply because politically, I lean left. You attacked and judged XO in response to his answers to you.


How are you responding in love to either of us, or to Ducky in the past for that matter? I've been called worse, but in the past, you've even called me a homosexualist, whatever that is. It sounds derogatory though.

At the very least, as a fellow Christian, I would have expected a respectful tone from you.

Tell me, how do your actions, labeling all of us, and President Obama for that matter as liars and deluded worshippers show love for the sinner, if not the sin?

Your rage shows brother... there was no Christlike compassion in your response and frequently, there isn't.

I get that you disagree, but that does not give you a reason to act in a non Christlike way.

Jesus went to the cross and received far worse treatment, yet he never lashed out at his accusers and in fact chastised his disciples for doing so.

This is just a blog man... forgive and move on... and then forgive again... just like jesus does for us every single day...

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Dave Miller,

Firstly, I am not “mad” at anyone, but I do get angry at those who lie and misrepresent my position, and I do get angry at liberals forcing all their agendas on the rest of us (the homosexual agenda, Obamacare, etc). That is called “righteous anger.” There is nothing wrong with that anger.

Well, I don’t see it in this comment string, so Dave would you be so kind to direct me to where I called YOU a liar for nothing more than leaning left politically? And if someone wants my respect, they need to respect me, which X.O. has never done.

I “attacked” X.O.?!?! I responded to his lies and then I get accused of attacking?!?!?
I have not “judged” X.O., I have judged his statements. And, guess what, you comment is “judging” me!

“Love” must include the truth. How do you know - how can you JUDGE - whether I am responding out of love? Do you know my heart?

A “homosexualist” is one who may not be a homosexual but promotes and supports the homosexual agenda, and you’ve demonstrated that you do so.

“Labeling” people by what they say and do is not “unloving” - rather it is pointing out the truth of their beliefs and actions. And where am I supposed to love sin? I recall even Christ and John the Baptist calling the Pharisees names, such as “vipers,” and “white-washed tombs.” Jesus and Paul railed at false teachers, which is what I do.

Forgiveness is a transaction. We forgive those who repent of their sin against us and seek our forgiveness.

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C. - You are so predictably hilarious in your bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.

Nothing entertains me more than poking you with a stick and getting you to show us who you really are.

I would have thought you would be wise to my ways by now, but you never, ever fail to take the bait!

You are so terrified of and threatened by homosexuals, Mexicans, atheists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, democrats, liberals and well, anybody who isn't exactly like you.

I kinda get the Mexican thing, because they used to beat you up when you were a little kid. :-) Poor baby.

Maybe you should have grown a pair and fought back like you are trying to do now from the safety of your computer.

But as for all the rest, I don't see any discernible difference between you and Fred Phelps.

You and Fred Phelps give Christianity a bad name.

Pope Francis, on the other hand, is the newest rising rock star of Christianity! Because he actually reinforces the teachings of Jesus!

How dare he!

Xavier Onassis said...

G.E.C - "I have studied in this field for almost 40 years, and have a research library of almost 1000 volumes on theology - every one of which I have read."

"...I also study all the world religions so that I can understand their beliefs, and so I can reach them with the truth about the REAL God and their need for a savior."


You haven't "studied" those world religions.

Studying them would be approaching them with an open mind, viewing them as being just as valid and relevant as any other world religion (like Christianity), and earnestly trying to approach the world from their point of view to see what their religion had to offer.

Studying those religions would include studying the history and culture of the people who embrace those religions to understand why that religion resonates with that culture.

Studying those religions would mean trying to find the common truths, the common values that tie and unite all of them under the overarching monotheistic concept of One God.

But that's not what you did.

If you actually did what you say you did and even bothered to investigate those other religions, you did not do so with an open mind.

You approached them with the point of view that you already have The Truth, you already know that they are wrong, you only tolerated learning about them so you could document how and why they are wrong.

That isn't studying.

Get some serious, professional, psychiatric help.

Please. You are a sick, sick man.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You are so predictable in your ignorance and stupidity. AND YOUR intolerance.

Demonstrate where I am bigoted. You can’t. Except you call telling the truth about perversion, “bigoted.”

You are so terrified of and threatened by homosexuals, Mexicans, atheists, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, democrats, liberals and well, anybody who isn't exactly like you.

Again you prove yourself a liar. This whole statement is nothing but a prevarication of the worst sort.

Again, you accuse me of having problems with Mexicans as a people, and again it is as much a lie now as it was the first time you said it. Oh, if I don’t like them coming across illegally and getting billions of dollars in federal benefits, then I must be against all Mexicans?! You are such an ass. And you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to my past with them, with you claims of not defending myself. How about you shut your trap instead of telling lies and demonstrating your complete ignorance.

You don’t see any difference between me and Fred Phelps because you don’t know much about either one of us, nor do you know anything about the Christian faith.

Pope Francis ADDS to the Christian faith, as Catholics have for a thousand years. They add stuff to be able to control people - stuff you will not find in the Bible. Again you demonstrate your ignorance and rank foolishness.

You should quit while your ahead.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You haven't "studied" those world religions.

Studying them would be approaching them with an open mind, viewing them as being just as valid and relevant as any other world religion (like Christianity), and earnestly trying to approach the world from their point of view to see what their religion had to offer.

Again you have no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea to what depth I have studied other religious beliefs and yet you make wild claims of knowing what is impossible for you to know.

The Christian faith is the only true faith worshipping the only true GOD. Any real Christian knows that no other religion has anything to offer in the spiritual realm. All religions have differences and all claim to have the truth. But only one can be true due to the law of non-contradiction.

I love how the truth hurts you so much that you always have to say it come from a “sick” individual. Truth hurts you, doesn’t it!

Joe said...

XO: At what point to you think you have an obligation to let it go?

Xavier Onassis said...

Joe - Probably somewhere right around this point for now.

Lone Ranger said...

Shaka Zulu, on the other hand, was Chinese.

it is truly pathetic that people have so little knowledge of their own rich heritage that they have to glom onto other cultures.